How do I delete a database link from an entity using the CAO API and Visual LISP?
The following is a short Visual LISP example that prompts the user to select an object. It then deletes any links that are associated with that object.
;;; This function deletes a link from a selected object
(defun c:DLink ()
;;; Get the object and get the object ID
(setq ent1 (car (entsel "\nSelect entity to erase links")))
(setq Obj (vlax-ename->vla-object ent1))
(setq ob_ID (vla-get-objectid Obj))
;;; Instantiate the DBConnect object
(setq dbConnect (vlax-create-object "CAO.DbConnect.16"))
;;; Get the linkTemplates
(setq LTs (vlax-invoke-method dbConnect "GetLinkTemplates"))
;;; Get a linkTemplate named "EmployeeLink1", This linkTemplate
;;; can be created from the Employee table in the DB sample that ships with
;;; AutoCAD
(setq LT (vlax-invoke-method LTs "Item" "EmployeeLink1"))
;;; Get the links using The linkTemplate
(setq linkSel (vlax-invoke-method dbConnect "GetLinks" LT nil nil nil))
;;; Iterate through the links and delete the link
;;; if it has the same ObjectID as the link
(vlax-for thisLink linkSel
(setq l_Obj_ID (vlax-get-property thisLink "ObjectID"))
(if (= l_Obj_ID ob_ID)
(vla-delete thislink)