by Fenton Webb
In order to create a Point Cloud clipping region you must use the C++ ObjectARX API as there is no equivalent .NET API. This is mainly due to performance reasons.
All you do is specify a filter callback for a given Point Cloud entity using the acdbModifyPointCloudDataView() function.
Here is an example of how to create a Point Cloud spatial filter using ObjectARX… You’ll see that for fun (and simple usage) I wire in the use of an AcDb3dSolid Box as my filter control object too…
//----- acrxEntryPoint.cpp
#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "resource.h"
#include "myFilter.h"
#include "MyBoxReactor.h"
#pragma comment(lib,"AcDbPointCloudObj.lib")
#include "AcPointCloud.h"
#define szRDS _RXST("asdk")
//----- ObjectARX EntryPoint
class CAcPointCloudTestApp : public AcRxArxApp
CAcPointCloudTestApp () : AcRxArxApp () {}
virtual AcRx::AppRetCode On_kInitAppMsg (void *pkt) {
// TODO: Load dependencies here
// You *must* call On_kInitAppMsg here
AcRx::AppRetCode retCode =AcRxArxApp::On_kInitAppMsg (pkt) ;
// TODO: Add your initialization code here
return (retCode) ;
virtual AcRx::AppRetCode On_kUnloadAppMsg (void *pkt) {
// TODO: Add your code here
// You *must* call On_kUnloadAppMsg here
AcRx::AppRetCode retCode =AcRxArxApp::On_kUnloadAppMsg (pkt) ;
// TODO: Unload dependencies here
return (retCode) ;
virtual void RegisterServerComponents () {
// by Fenton Webb, DevTech, 19/03/2013
static void asdkAcPointCloudTestaddFilter(void)
// pick a point cloud
ads_name ename;
ads_point pnt;
int res = acedEntSel(_T("\nSelect a Point Cloud : "), ename, pnt);
// if ok
if (res == RTNORM)
// then convert the ename to an object id
AcDbObjectId id;
// open the selected point cloud entity
AcDbEntityPointer ent(id, AcDb::kForWrite);
// if ok
if (ent.openStatus() == Acad::eOk)
// reset the point cloud view
Acad::ErrorStatus es = acdbResetPointCloudDataView(ent);
// if not ok, possibly not a point cloud
if (es != Acad::eOk)
acutPrintf(_T("\nNot a point cloud..."));
AcGePoint3d minPnt;
acedInitGet(RSG_GETZ, NULL);
// select the first bounding point
res = acedGetPoint(NULL, _T("\nSelect Bottom Left Corner : "), asDblArray(minPnt));
// if ok
if (res == RTNORM)
AcGePoint3d maxPnt;
acedInitGet(RSG_GETZ, NULL);
// select the second bounding point
res = acedGetPoint(NULL, _T("\nSelect Top Right Corner : "), asDblArray(maxPnt));
// if ok
if (res == RTNORM)
// convert any UCS to world
AcGeMatrix3d matUcs2Wcs;
// set up and nice extents box
AcGeBoundBlock3d filterExtents;
filterExtents.set(minPnt, maxPnt);
// draw controller box
// create a new filter object, my one I mean - document specific
DocVars.docData().mPCFilter = new MyFilter(filterExtents, id);
// and apply the filter to the point cloud
res = acdbModifyPointCloudDataView(ent.object(), DocVars.docData().mPCFilter);
static bool DrawSlicerBox(AcGeBoundBlock3d extents)
// extract the points
AcGePoint3d minPnt, maxPnt;
extents.getMinMaxPoints(minPnt, maxPnt);
// draw a box
AcDbObjectPointer<AcDb3dSolid> box;
double xDist = fabs(maxPnt.x - minPnt.x) + 0.001;
double yDist = fabs(maxPnt.y - minPnt.y) + 0.001;
double zDist = fabs(maxPnt.z - minPnt.z) + 0.001;
box->createBox(xDist, yDist, zDist);
box->transformBy(AcGeMatrix3d().setTranslation(AcGeVector3d(minPnt.x + xDist/2, minPnt.y + yDist/2, minPnt.z + zDist/2)));
AcDbBlockTableRecordPointer curSpace(curDoc()->database()->currentSpaceId(), AcDb::kForWrite);
// if ok
if (curSpace.openStatus() == Acad::eOk)
// add a reactor to it
box->addReactor(new MyBoxReactor());
return true;
return false;
// - asdkAcPointCloudTest.removeFilter command (do not rename)
static void asdkAcPointCloudTestremoveFilter(void)
// pick a point cloud
ads_name ename;
ads_point pnt;
int res = acedEntSel(_T("\nSelect a Point Cloud : "), ename, pnt);
// if ok
if (res == RTNORM)
// then convert the ename to an object id
AcDbObjectId id;
// just reset the point cloud view
AcDbEntityPointer ent(id, AcDb::kForWrite);
// if ok
if (ent.openStatus() == Acad::eOk)
// reset the point cloud view
Acad::ErrorStatus es = acdbResetPointCloudDataView(ent);
// if not ok, possibly not a point cloud
if (es != Acad::eOk)
acutPrintf(_T("\nNot a point cloud..."));
static void asdkAcPointCloudTesttest(void)
AcGePoint3d minPnt;
acedInitGet(RSG_GETZ, NULL);
// select the first bounding point
int res = acedGetPoint(NULL, _T("\nSelect Bottom Left Corner : "), asDblArray(minPnt));
// if ok
if (res == RTNORM)
AcGePoint3d maxPnt;
acedInitGet(RSG_GETZ, NULL);
// select the second bounding point
res = acedGetPoint(NULL, _T("\nSelect Top Right Corner : "), asDblArray(maxPnt));
// if ok
if (res == RTNORM)
// set up and nice extents box
AcGeBoundBlock3d filterExtents;
filterExtents.set(minPnt, maxPnt);
while(res == RTNORM)
AcGePoint3d inside;
// select the second bounding point
res = acedGetPoint(NULL, _T("\nPick a point : "), asDblArray(inside));
if (filterExtents.contains(inside))
} ;
ACED_ARXCOMMAND_ENTRY_AUTO(CAcPointCloudTestApp, asdkAcPointCloudTest, addFilter, addFilter, ACRX_CMD_TRANSPARENT, NULL)
ACED_ARXCOMMAND_ENTRY_AUTO(CAcPointCloudTestApp, asdkAcPointCloudTest, removeFilter, removeFilter, ACRX_CMD_TRANSPARENT, NULL)
ACED_ARXCOMMAND_ENTRY_AUTO(CAcPointCloudTestApp, asdkAcPointCloudTest, test, test, ACRX_CMD_TRANSPARENT, NULL)
#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "resource.h"
#include "MyBoxReactor.h"
#include "acadi.h"
#include "dynprops.h"
#include "axboiler.h"
#include "axpnt3d.h"
#include "dbobjptr2.h"
void MyBoxReactor::modified(const AcDbObject* obj)
// if we have a n assigned point cloud filter
if (DocVars.docData().mPCFilter)
// make sure we have a 3d solid
AcDb3dSolid *solid = AcDb3dSolid::cast(obj);
if (solid)
if (!solid->isErased())
// extract the minPoint from the existing PCFilter
AcGePoint3d minPnt, maxPnt;
DocVars.docData().mPCFilter->mFilterExtents.getMinMaxPoints(minPnt, maxPnt);
// get the IUknown of the entity, we’ll need it to get the properties for the instance and also so we can set them
CComPtr<IUnknown> entIUnknown = NULL;
HRESULT hr = AcAxGetIUnknownOfObject(&entIUnknown, obj->objectId(), acedGetAcadWinApp()->GetIDispatch(TRUE));
double length=0.001, height=0.001, width=0.001;
// get the box info
AcRxClass* pAcrxClass = AcDb3dSolid::desc();
// Per-instance dynamic property managers
OPMPerInstancePropertyExtension* pPerInstanceExtension = GET_OPM_PERINSTANCE_EXTENSION_PROTOCOL(pAcrxClass);
if (NULL != pPerInstanceExtension)
COleSafeArray sourceNames;
CComBSTR sourceName;
// get the property source names stored on the extension object
// find out how many we have
long start = 0;
long end = 0;
sourceNames.GetLBound(1, &start);
sourceNames.GetUBound(1, &end);
// loop the property sources
for (long i=start; i<=end; ++i)
// extract each one of the property sources out
CComPtr<IPropertySource> propertySource;
sourceNames.GetElement(&i, (void*)&sourceName);
// GetPropertySourceAt does AddRef, so we directly assign pointer here.
propertySource.p = GET_OPM_PERINSTANCE_PROPERTY_SOURCES()->GetPropertySourceAt(&sourceName);
// if we have one
if (propertySource.p)
// if ok
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
// extract the Dynamic properties from it
COleSafeArray props;
hr = propertySource->GetProperties(entIUnknown, props);
// if ok
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
// loop all the dynamic properties that we have
long start = 0;
long end = 0;
props.GetLBound(1, &start);
props.GetUBound(1, &end);
for (long i=start; i<=end; ++i)
// first get the iUknown to make sure we have something
CComPtr<IUnknown> unknown = NULL;
props.GetElement(&i, (void*)&unknown);
// if we have
if (unknown.p)
// try and cast it to an updated IDynamicProperty2
CComQIPtr<IDynamicProperty2> dynProp = unknown;
// if ok
if (dynProp.p)
CComBSTR propName;
// extract out the property name
// get the value
COleVariant getter;
dynProp->GetCurrentValueData(entIUnknown, getter);
// find out which property we are looking at
if (CString(propName) == _T("Length"))
length = ((*(tagVARIANT*)(&getter))).dblVal;
if (CString(propName) == _T("Width"))
width = ((*(tagVARIANT*)(&getter))).dblVal;
if (CString(propName) == _T("Height"))
height = ((*(tagVARIANT*)(&getter))).dblVal;;
// now get the position from the solid
CComQIPtr<IAcad3DSolid> solidCom(entIUnknown);
if(solidCom != NULL)
COleVariant olePosition;
hr = solidCom->get_Position(&olePosition);
AcAxPoint3d position = olePosition;
minPnt.x = position.x - length/2.0;
minPnt.y = position.y - width/2.0;
minPnt.z = position.z - height/2.0;
// finally, update the point cloud
DocVars.docData().mPCFilter->mFilterExtents.set(minPnt, AcGePoint3d(minPnt.x+length, minPnt.y+width, minPnt.z+height));
// and touch the point cloud for update
AcDbBlockTableRecordPointer curSpace(curDoc()->database()->currentSpaceId(), AcDb::kForRead);
// if ok
if (curSpace.openStatus() == Acad::eOk)
AcDbObjectPointer<AcDbEntity> pointCloud( DocVars.docData().mPCFilter->mPointcloudId, AcDb::kForRead);
// if ok
if (pointCloud.openStatus() == Acad::eOk)
AcGsModel *gsModel = curDoc()->database()->gsModel();
gsModel->onModified(AcGiDrawable::cast(pointCloud.object()), curSpace.object());
#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "resource.h"
#include "MyFilter.h"
// this is my point cloud filter implementation, by Fenton Webb, DevTech, Autodesk 27/05/2010
void MyFilter::doFilter(const IAcPcDataBuffer& inBuffer, IAcPcDataBuffer&outBuffer)
AcGePoint3d minPnt, maxPnt;
mFilterExtents.getMinMaxPoints(minPnt, maxPnt);
// this is just to show how often the filter function is being called
acutPrintf(_T("\nfilter is called - min(%.2f,%.2f,%.2f) max(%.2f,%.2f,%.2f)"), minPnt.x, minPnt.y, minPnt.z, maxPnt.x, maxPnt.y, maxPnt.z);
// ignoring native double buffers for brevity
DWORD noOfOutPoints(0);
AcPcPointFloat *pInPoints = const_cast<IAcPcDataBuffer&>(inBuffer).floatPoints();
AcPcPointFloat *pOutPoints = outBuffer.floatPoints();
// the points from the point cloud are raw points, we need to convert them into WCS
// first let's work out the transform matrix
double x, y, z;
inBuffer.offset(x, y, z);
AcGeMatrix3d mx;
// now lets loop the points
int length = inBuffer.size();
int incrementFactor = 1;
for (int i=0; i<length; i+=incrementFactor, pInPoints+=incrementFactor)
// now convert the raw point cloud points into WCS
AcGePoint3d pt(pInPoints->m_x + x, pInPoints->m_y + y, pInPoints->m_z + z);
pt = mx*pt;
// finally check to see if the point lays inside of our box
if (mFilterExtents.contains(pt))
// if so, add it to the out array list
*(pOutPoints+noOfOutPoints) = *pInPoints;
// finally, we have less points to show obviously so adjust to suit