by Fenton Webb
If you are a seasoned RealDWG developer, you will have probably noticed that the .NET version of the RealDWG SDK’s HostApplicationServices object does not implement all of the virtual functions that are exposed by its unmanaged ObjectDBX counterpart, AcDbHostApplicationServices.
For the most part, this is a good idea because it simplifies your RealDWG application immensely.
The problem is that sometimes, just sometimes, you really need the full power of the SDK. If you do need that power from .NET then you are going to need to implement a Mixed Mode RealDWG app – one that implements both an underlying unmanaged AcDbHostApplicationServices derived class and a managed HostApplicationServices class that feeds off of it.
So in this example, I simply want to override AcDbHostApplicationServices::fatalError() with my own implementation. This is because the default implementation simply calls Exit( 0 ) which in my case is bad because I want to process many DWG files without failure. If I did not override this function, my RealDWG app would simply exit out and not finish.
Here’s the RealDWG .NET code I want to use… Ok, it’s not scanning lots of DWG files but you get the idea… Remember, I want an exception to be thrown when RealDWG encounters a corrupted DWG file rather than calling Exit( 0 )…
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices
Imports System.Windows.Forms
' by Fenton Webb, DevTech, Autodesk 30/04/2010
Public Class SimpleSampleDBXEngine
Shared Sub Main()
' init the undelying CLI C++ HostApplication
Using app As AdskDBXEngine = New AdskDBXEngine
For i As Integer = 0 To 100
' new the database making sure to dispose it once we are finished, using/end using
Using db As New Database(False, True)
' read some drawing tile
db.ReadDwgFile("d:\wutemp\fatal.dwg", FileOpenMode.OpenForReadAndAllShare, False, Nothing)
' set the working database via our DbxExtender
End Using
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Using
End Sub
End Class
I’m going to implement my own unmanaged AcDbHostApplicationServices, but I still need to create .NET HostApplicationServices class which my .NET code can use… it’s implemented but not Initialize()’d – basically it’s a dummy HostApplicationServices object…
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry
' by Fenton Webb, DevTech, Autodesk 30/04/2010
'this host app should never be called. It will be replaced by DevTech.DbxExtender.Utils.Initialize()
Public Class DummyHost
Inherits HostApplicationServices
Public Overrides Function FindFile(ByVal fileName As String, ByVal database As Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.Database, ByVal hint As Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.FindFileHint) As String
FindFile = Nothing
End Function
End Class
Public Class AdskDBXEngine
Implements IDisposable
Public Sub New()
' create a new database
Dim host As New DummyHost
RuntimeSystem.Initialize(host, 1033)
Catch ex As Exception
Throw New Exception("Error creating new database")
End Try
End Sub
Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
End Sub
End Class
Now into an unmanaged C++ DBX module… Here’s my C++ implementation of my custom AcDbHostApplicationServices object…
// by Fenton Webb, DevTech, Autodesk 30/04/2010
//----- HostApplicationServices.cpp
#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "HostApplicationServices.h"
#include "Wininet.h"
#include "Shlwapi.h"
#pragma unmanaged
CString local,url;
for (POSITION pos = m_localToUrl.GetStartPosition();pos!=NULL;)
// Return the Install directory for customizable files
Acad::ErrorStatus HostApplication::getRoamableRootFolder(const ACHAR*& folder)
Acad::ErrorStatus ret = Acad::eOk;
static ACHAR buf[MAX_PATH] = _T("\0"); //MDI SAFE
if (buf[0]==0)
if (GetModuleFileName(NULL, buf, MAX_PATH) != 0)
ret = Acad::eRegistryAccessError;
folder = buf;
return ret;
// Return the Install directory for customizable files
Acad::ErrorStatus HostApplication::getLocalRootFolder(const ACHAR*& folder)
Acad::ErrorStatus ret = Acad::eOk;
static ACHAR buf[MAX_PATH] = _T("\0"); //MDI SAFE
if (buf[0]==0)
if (GetModuleFileName(NULL, buf, MAX_PATH) != 0)
ret = Acad::eRegistryAccessError;
folder = buf;
return ret;
Acad::ErrorStatus HostApplication::findFile(ACHAR* pcFullPathOut, int nBufferLength,
const ACHAR* pcFilename, AcDbDatabase* pDb,
AcDbHostApplicationServices::FindFileHint hint)
ACHAR pExtension[5];
switch (hint)
case kCompiledShapeFile:
_tcscpy(pExtension, _T(".shx"));
case kTrueTypeFontFile:
_tcscpy(pExtension, _T(".ttf"));
case kPatternFile:
_tcscpy(pExtension, _T(".pat"));
case kARXApplication:
_tcscpy(pExtension, _T(".dbx"));
case kFontMapFile:
_tcscpy(pExtension, _T(".fmp"));
case kXRefDrawing:
_tcscpy(pExtension, _T(".dwg"));
case kFontFile: // Fall through. These could have
case kEmbeddedImageFile: // various extensions
pExtension[0] = _T('\0');
ACHAR* filePart;
DWORD result;
GetModuleFileName(NULL, path, MAX_PATH);
_tcscat(path, _T("\\AutoCADImages"));
result = SearchPath(path,
pcFilename, pExtension, nBufferLength, pcFullPathOut, &filePart);
if (result && result < (DWORD)nBufferLength)
return Acad::eOk;
return Acad::eFileNotFound;
Adesk::Boolean HostApplication::isURL(const ACHAR* pszURL) const
return PathIsURL(pszURL);
Adesk::Boolean HostApplication::isRemoteFile(const ACHAR* pszLocalFile, ACHAR* pszURL) const
CString value;
if (m_localToUrl.Lookup(pszLocalFile,value))
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
Acad::ErrorStatus HostApplication::getRemoteFile(const ACHAR* pszURL, ACHAR* pszLocalFile, Adesk::Boolean bIgnoreCache) const
if (!bIgnoreCache)
DWORD size = 0;
if (GetUrlCacheEntryInfo(pszURL,NULL,&size))
return Acad::eInetFileGenericError; //this shouldn't succeed
err = GetLastError();
if (GetUrlCacheEntryInfo(pszURL,pCacheEntry,&size))
return Acad::eInetOk;
err = GetLastError();
if (SUCCEEDED(URLDownloadToCacheFile(NULL,pszURL,pszLocalFile,_MAX_PATH,0,NULL)))
return Acad::eInetOk;
return Acad::eInetFileGenericError;
ACHAR * HostApplication::getAlternateFontName() const
return _T("txt.shx"); //findFile will be called again with this name
void HostApplication::fatalError(const ACHAR *format, ...)
throw Acad::eFileInternalErr;
// Called when an unhandled exception occurs in an arx command or message.
// The EXCEPTION_POINTERS pointer is obtained from the win32 api:
// GetExceptionInformation().
void HostApplication::reportUnhandledArxException(const _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *pExcPtrs,
const ACHAR *pAppName)
// might want to send your minidump file back to your company for processing
// The equivalent of ads_usrbrk()
Adesk::Boolean HostApplication::userBreak(bool updCtrlsWhenEnteringIdle) const
throw Acad::eUserBreak;
Now my Mixed Mode acrxEntryPoint()…
// by Fenton Webb, DevTech, Autodesk 30/04/2010
//----- acrxEntryPoint.cpp
#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "resource.h"
#define szRDS _RXST("asdk")
//----- ObjectARX EntryPoint
class CDBXExtensionDotNetWrapperApp : public AcRxDbxApp {
CDBXExtensionDotNetWrapperApp () : AcRxDbxApp () {}
virtual AcRx::AppRetCode On_kInitAppMsg (void *pkt) {
// TODO: Load dependencies here
// You *must* call On_kInitAppMsg here
AcRx::AppRetCode retCode =AcRxDbxApp::On_kInitAppMsg (pkt) ;
return (retCode) ;
virtual AcRx::AppRetCode On_kUnloadAppMsg (void *pkt) {
// TODO: Add your code here
// You *must* call On_kUnloadAppMsg here
AcRx::AppRetCode retCode =AcRxDbxApp::On_kUnloadAppMsg (pkt) ;
return (retCode) ;
virtual void RegisterServerComponents () {
} ;
#pragma unmanaged
#include "HostApplicationServices.h"
// native C++ unmanaged set working database handler
Acad::ErrorStatus native_setWorkingDatabase(AcDbDatabase* dwg)
Acad::ErrorStatus es = Acad::eOk;
// if ok
if (dwg)
return es;
// native C++ setdhost app
Acad::ErrorStatus native_acdbSetHostApplicationServices(AcDbHostApplicationServices* pHost)
return acdbSetHostApplicationServices(pHost);
Almost there… Now for my Mixed Mode Utils header…
// mgDbx.h - by Fenton Webb, DevTech, Autodesk 14/01/2005
#pragma once
using namespace System;
using namespace Autodesk::AutoCAD::DatabaseServices;
namespace DevTech
namespace DbxExtender
public ref class Utils
static void Initialize();
static void Terminate();
static long SetWorkingDatabase(Database ^dwg);
Finally, my Mixed Mode utils implementation code…
// This is the main DLL file.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "mgDbx.h"
// by Fenton Webb, DevTech, Autodesk 30/04/2010
// switch to using the unmanaged ODBX SDK, we must link with rcexelib.obj to avoid security problems
#pragma unmanaged
#include "HostApplicationServices.h"
// native C++ unmanaged hatch handler
extern Acad::ErrorStatus native_setWorkingDatabase(AcDbDatabase* pDb);
// native C++ unmanaged set host app
Acad::ErrorStatus native_acdbSetHostApplicationServices(AcDbHostApplicationServices* pHost);
// switch back, no need really
#pragma managed
#pragma managed
using namespace Autodesk::AutoCAD::DatabaseServices;
using namespace Autodesk::AutoCAD::Runtime;
// initialise the host application
AcDbHostApplicationServices* gpHostApp = NULL;
void DevTech::DbxExtender::Utils::Initialize()
ASSERT(gpHostApp == NULL);
//replace the host app with our own
gpHostApp = new HostApplication();
void DevTech::DbxExtender::Utils::Terminate()
ASSERT(gpHostApp != NULL);
delete gpHostApp;
// set Workingdatabase Util
long DevTech::DbxExtender::Utils::SetWorkingDatabase(Database ^managedDwg)
Acad::ErrorStatus es = Acad::eNullPtr;
// get the unmanaged pointer
AcDbDatabase *dwg = static_cast<AcDbDatabase*>(managedDwg->UnmanagedObject.ToPointer());
// if ok
if (dwg)
// call the native unmanaged DxfOut
es = native_setWorkingDatabase(dwg);
return (long)es;
You should know that at the time of writing, this all needs o be done, but we should have this updated in the next few releases.