I need to create a view with ActiveX that shows our drawing in a twisted view. I do not see any type of property of a view object that will create a view and rotate the view at a specified twist angle.
The View object does not have a Twist property, and the Center, Target and Direction of a View object will not allow the same effect as a Twist (With DVIEW). There is a logged wishlist to add this property.
One workaround is to use a paper space viewport and use its TwistAngle property. The following is an example that uses a paper space view port to create a view with a twist angle.
Sub createViewWithTwistAngle(AcadApp As AcadApplication)
' This example creates a new paperspace viewport.
' It then sets the viewdirection, and the TwistAngle
' Then view is then created using SendCommand (VIEW)
' The viewport erased it is only created to set the
' TwistAngle
Dim viewportObj As AcadViewport
Dim myView As AcadView
Dim int1 As Integer
Dim ThisDrawing As AcadDocument
ThisDrawing = AcadApp.ActiveDocument
' Define the pviewport
Dim center(0 To 2) As Double
center(0) = 3 : center(1) = 3 : center(2) = 0
Dim width As Double
Dim height As Double
width = 4
height = 4
' Change from model space to paperspace
ThisDrawing.ActiveSpace =
' Create the pviewport
Dim pviewportObj As AcadPViewport
pviewportObj =
pviewportObj.ViewportOn = True
ThisDrawing.MSpace = True
ThisDrawing.ActivePViewport = pviewportObj
' Change the viewing direction of the ViewPort
Dim NewDirection(0 To 2) As Double
NewDirection(0) = -1 :
NewDirection(1) = -1 :
NewDirection(2) = 1
pviewportObj.Direction = NewDirection
' Set the twist angle for the viewport
pviewportObj.TwistAngle = 0.56999999999999995
' Remove view named test1
For int1 = 0 To ThisDrawing.Views.Count - 1
If ThisDrawing.Views(int1).Name = "my_test_view" Then
End If
Next int1
' Create a view
ThisDrawing.SendCommand("-view" & Chr(13) &
"Save" & Chr(13) &
"my_test_view" &
' Erase the paper space view port
ThisDrawing.ActiveSpace =
' Reference model space viewport and set the
view to the one
' created above
viewportObj = ThisDrawing.ActiveViewport
myView =
ThisDrawing.ActiveViewport = viewportObj
End Sub