The following code (essentially a windows message filter) obtains and prints the mouse coordinates in the UCS. The coordinates are the same as the coordinates displayed in AutoCAD's status bar.
BOOL filterMouse(MSG *pMsg)
if( pMsg->message == WM_MOUSEMOVE )
acedDwgPoint cpt;
ads_point ptDCS, norm;
AcGePoint3d origin;
AcGeVector3d e0, e1, e2;
AcGeMatrix3d matUcs2Wcs, matWcs2Ucs;
// 1: Get the Mouse coords in DCS
CPoint cPnt (pMsg->lParam) ;
acedCoordFromPixelToWorld (cPnt, cpt) ;
ads_point_set ( cpt, ptDCS );
// 2: Transform the DCS point to UCS isomatric view
ads_point result;
struct resbuf fromrb, torb;
fromrb.restype = RTSHORT;
fromrb.resval.rint = 2; // DCS
torb.restype = RTSHORT;
torb.resval.rint = 1; // UCS
// disp == 0 indicates that pt is a point:
acedTrans(ptDCS, &fromrb, &torb, FALSE, result);
// 3: Project the UCS point to the XY plan of UCS
struct resbuf rbview;
ads_getvar( _T("viewdir"), &rbview );
ads_point_set( rbview.resval.rpoint, norm );
AcGePlane thePlane; // The default constructor creates XY plan.
AcGePoint3d pntInUCS( result[X], result[Y], result[Z] );
AcGeVector3d vecViewdir( norm [X], norm [Y], norm [Z] );
AcGePoint3d resPnt = pntInUCS.project (thePlane, vecViewdir);
// 4: Print the result
ads_printf ( _T("\nMouse in Ucs-resPnt %f, %f, %f"),
resPnt[X],resPnt[Y], resPnt[Z] );
else if( pMsg->message ==WM_LBUTTONDOWN)
return FALSE; // continue
You can register this filter with something like this:
And unregister it with this: