I can set image’s clip by AcadRasterImage.ClipBoundary, but how do I get the AcadRasterImage's clip boundary coordinates? I know if it is rectangular, I can get its bounding box, width and height. But, if the clip boundary is of a irregular shape, I can't find any exposed methods to get such data.
The ObjectARX AcDbRasterImage::clipBoundary() equivalent functionality is not exposed in the current ActiveX Automation Model.
We can work around this limitation by exposing an interface that does exactly that. The whole project is attached: Download ImgClipBoundary
STDMETHODIMP CClipBoundaryObj::GetImageClipBoundary(
VARIANT* pVarDblArray,
VARIANT acadImage)
// TODO: Add your implementation code here
throw E_POINTER;
throw E_POINTER;
AcDbObjectId id;
pImage(id, AcDb::kForRead);
if(pImage.openStatus() != Acad::eOk)
AcGePoint2dArray array =
int len = array.length();
if(len == 0)
throw E_FAIL;
AcGeMatrix3d mat;
AcAxPoint2dArray pts;
for(int i=0; i<len; i++)
AcGePoint3d pt(array[i].x, array[i].y, 0);
pts.append(AcGePoint2d(pt.x, pt.y));
catch(const HRESULT h)
// for now
acutPrintf(_T("\nSomething is wrong."));
return h;
return S_OK;
To use the ability above,
1. build the attached project, load it in AutoCAD
2. open VBA IDE
3. Tools >> Reference: select ARX. now you can see one library is available in the list.
4. Run the VBA code below. It creates an image and set its clip, and gets its clip boundary by the method provided in asdkImgClipBoundary.
Sub Example_ClipBoundary()
' This example adds a raster image in model space.
' It then clips the image based on a clip boundary.
' This example uses the "downtown.jpg" found in the sample
' directory. If you do not have the image, or it is located
' in a different directory, insert a valid path and name for the
' imageName variable below.
Dim insertionPoint(0 To 2) As Double
Dim scalefactor As Double
Dim rotationAngle As Double
Dim imageName As String
Dim rasterObj As AcadRasterImage
imageName = "C:\01_SDK\ObjectARX 2012\samples\graphics\AsdkTransientGraphicsSampFolder\Airport-Image.jpg"
insertionPoint(0) = 5#: insertionPoint(1) = 5#: insertionPoint(2) = 0#
scalefactor = 2#
rotationAngle = 0
On Error Resume Next
' Creates a raster image in model space
Set rasterObj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddRaster(imageName, insertionPoint, scalefactor, rotationAngle)
If Err.Description = "Filer error" Then
MsgBox imageName & " could not be found."
Exit Sub
End If
MsgBox "Clip the image?", , "ClipBoundary Example"
' Establish the clip boundary with an array of points
Dim clipPoints(0 To 9) As Double
clipPoints(0) = 6: clipPoints(1) = 6.75
clipPoints(2) = 7: clipPoints(3) = 6
clipPoints(4) = 6: clipPoints(5) = 5
clipPoints(6) = 5: clipPoints(7) = 6
clipPoints(8) = 6: clipPoints(9) = 6.75
' Clip the image
rasterObj.ClipBoundary clipPoints
' Enable the display of the clip
rasterObj.ClippingEnabled = True
ThisDrawing.Regen acActiveViewport
'MsgBox "The image has been clipped.", , "ClipBoundary Example"
On Error GoTo 0
Dim xObj As asdkImgClipBoundaryLib.ClipBoundaryObj
Set xObj = ThisDrawing.Application.GetInterfaceObject("ImgClipBoundary.ClipBoundaryObj.1")
Dim boundary As Variant
xObj.GetImageClipBoundary boundary, rasterObj
End Sub