The LWPOLYLINE (or light weight polyline) will typically have multiple coordinates and it is not easy to modify these vertices. What is the easiest way to access specific coordinates in a LWPOLYLINE and modify it?
The following lisp code demonstrates an easy way. The lisp code snippet increments the Y values of the LWPOLYLINE vertices by 5 units:
(defun Test (e ed / i vt)
(setq i 0)
(repeat (length ed)
(if (= (car (nth i ed)) 10) ;if item is a vertex
(setq vt (cdr (nth i ed))) ; get vertex values
(setq X (car vt)) ; get the x value
(setq Y (cadr vt)) ; get the y value
(setq Y (+ 5 Y)) ; increment the Y value by 5 units
; replace the old y value with the new y value
(setq vt (subst Y (nth 1 vt) vt))
; update the entity definition with new vertex information
(setq ed (subst (cons 10 vt) (nth i ed) ed))
(entmod ed) ; update the drawing
) ;progn
) ;if
(setq i (1+ i))
) ;repeat
) ;Test
(defun C:MyTest (/ e ed)
(setq e (car (entsel))
ed (entget e)
(if (= (cdr (assoc 0 ed)) "LWPOLYLINE")
(test e ed)
) ;if
) ;C:MyTest