There are two AcGs functions in ObjectARX SDK that can be used to get the screen shot of the specified Viewport in AutoCAD and also to set an image to be displayed in a specified Viewport.
The function acgsGetScreenShot() will get you the pointer to an AcGsScreenShot object for the specified viewport number. When in TILEMODE 1, just specify the Viewport that you are interested in or just specify “0” to get the entire ModelSpace (and same is the case with PaperSpace). Similarly just specify the Viewport number you are interested in if the TILEMODE is 0 (i.e. in PaperSpace). Also if you specify viewport number of 1 in TILEMODE 0 then you will get only the entities that exist in the PaperSpace.
You can get the image data using the method getScanline() of the AcGsScreenShot class. Using this you can fill in an array of truecolor long words which essentially will be the ARBG data. This data can be used to create an image file. You can use the ATIL SDK to create a bitmap or JPG easily from the image data.
The function acgsDisplayImage() on the other hand takes an array of truecolor long words and displays the image at the specified location on a specified Viewport. The image will stay till a redraw is called.
Note:The acgsGetScreenShot() does not get you the shaded or rendered view.
Here’s some code which shows how to use the functions, to use the Atil libs you need to link with the headers and libs in the Atil folder of the ObjectARX SDK:
// by Fenton Webb, DevTech, 1/30/2013
// screen shoots the view details as a BMP
bool RecordViewDetails(double &fieldWidth, double &fieldHeight, AcGePoint3d &position, AcGePoint3d &target, AcGeVector3d &upVector, const TCHAR *imagePath)
int iVP = getCVPort();
// Compute the viewport dimensions.
int nLeft, nBottom, nRight, nTop;
int iImageWidth, iImageHeight;
acgsGetViewportInfo (iVP, nLeft, nBottom, nRight, nTop);
iImageWidth = nRight - nLeft + 1;
iImageHeight = nTop - nBottom + 1;
Atil::Size size(iImageWidth, iImageHeight);
int nBytesPerRow = Atil::DataModel::bytesPerRow(iImageWidth,
unsigned long nBufferSize = iImageHeight * nBytesPerRow;
// Create an ATIL image for accepting the rendered image.
std::auto_ptr<char> autoBuff = std::auto_ptr<char>(new char[nBufferSize]);
char *pSnapshotData = autoBuff.get();
Atil::Image * pImage = NULL;
// see if there is a GS view created
AcGsView *pView = acgsGetGsView(iVP, false);
// if not
if (NULL == pView)
// then we must be in 2D wireframe mode, so use acgsGetScreenShot
std::auto_ptr<AcGsScreenShot> autoScreenShot(acgsGetScreenShot(iVP));
AcGsScreenShot* screenShot = autoScreenShot.get(); // auto_ptr still owns the pointer.
if (screenShot)
int w = 0, h = 0, d = 0;
screenShot->getSize(w, h, d);
char* pBufTemp = pSnapshotData;
for (int row = 0; row < h; row++)
memcpy(pBufTemp, screenShot->getScanline(0, row), nBytesPerRow);
// convert from RGBA to BGRA
char* pColor = pBufTemp;
for (int i = 0; i < w; i++) // Slow but it works
char temp = *pColor;
*pColor = *(pColor + 2);
*(pColor + 2) = temp;
pColor += 4;
pBufTemp += nBytesPerRow;
pImage = constructAtilImg(reinterpret_cast<char*>(pSnapshotData),
nBufferSize, nBytesPerRow, w, h, 32, 0);
std::auto_ptr<Atil::Image> autodeleter = std::auto_ptr<Atil::Image>(pImage); // auto_ptr now owns the image
if (!writeImageFile(pImage, kBMP, imagePath))
acutPrintf(_T("\nFailed to write image file %s"), imagePath);
return false;
acutPrintf(_T("\nSuccessfully written %s"), imagePath);
return true;
return snapGSView(pView, iImageWidth, iImageHeight, fieldHeight, fieldWidth, position, target, upVector, imagePath);
bool snapGSView(AcGsView *pView, int width, int height, double &fieldWidth, double &fieldHeight, AcGePoint3d &position, AcGePoint3d &target, AcGeVector3d &upVector, const TCHAR *imagePath)
Atil::Size size(width, height);
int nBytesPerRow = Atil::DataModel::bytesPerRow(width, Atil::DataModelAttributes::k32);
unsigned long nBufferSize = height * nBytesPerRow;
// Create an ATIL image for accepting the rendered image.
std::auto_ptr<char> apCharBuffer = std::auto_ptr<char>(new char[nBufferSize]);
char *pSnapshotData = apCharBuffer.get(); // auto_ptr still owns the buffer.
// in shaded mode (from GS)
Atil::Image * pImage = NULL;
pImage = constructAtilImg(pSnapshotData, nBufferSize, nBytesPerRow, width, height, 32, 0);
std::auto_ptr<Atil::Image> autodeleter = std::auto_ptr<Atil::Image>(pImage); // auto_ptr now owns the image
pView->getSnapShot(pImage, AcGsDCPoint(0, 0));
// add a temp image to invert the image. do we have a better way to turn an image around?
Atil::Image imgTempForInverted(pImage->read(pImage->size(), Atil::Offset(0, 0), Atil::kBottomUpLeftRight));
*pImage = imgTempForInverted;
if (!writeImageFile(pImage, kBMP, imagePath))
acutPrintf(_T("\nFailed to write image file %s"), imagePath);
return false;
acutPrintf(_T("\nSuccessfully written %s"), imagePath);
// record the view data
fieldHeight = pView->fieldHeight();
fieldWidth = pView->fieldWidth();
position = pView->position();
target = pView->target();
upVector = pView->upVector();
return true;
bool writeImageFile (Atil::Image *pImageSource, eFormatType formatType,
wchar_t const *pFileName)
_ASSERT(NULL != pImageSource);
if(NULL == pImageSource)
return false;
return false;
/*if(PathFileExists(pFileName)) {
if(IsFileReadOnly(pFileName)) {
return false;
Atil::RowProviderInterface* pPipe = pImageSource->read(pImageSource->size(),
_ASSERTE(NULL != pPipe);
return false;
Atil::FileWriteDescriptor *pFWD = NULL;
Atil::ImageFormatCodec *pCodec = NULL;
if (formatType == kJPG)
pCodec = new JfifFormatCodec();
else if (formatType == kPNG)
pCodec = new PngFormatCodec();
else if (formatType == kTIF)
pCodec = new TiffFormatCodec();
else if (formatType == kBMP)
pCodec = new BmpFormatCodec();
_ASSERTE(NULL != pCodec);
if(NULL == pCodec)
return false;
&(pPipe->dataModel()), pPipe->size())) {
delete pCodec;
return false;
pFWD = new Atil::FileWriteDescriptor(pCodec);
#ifdef UNICODE
#ifndef _ADESK_MAC_
Atil::FileSpecifier fs(Atil::StringBuffer((lstrlen(pFileName) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR),
(const Atil::Byte *) pFileName, Atil::StringBuffer::kUTF_16),
Atil::FileSpecifier fs(Atil::StringBuffer((lstrlen(pFileName) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR),
(const Atil::Byte *) pFileName, Atil::StringBuffer::kUTF_32),
Atil::FileSpecifier fs(Atil::StringBuffer(lstrlen(pFileName) + 1,
(const Atil::Byte *) pFileName, Atil::StringBuffer::kASCII),
if (!pFWD->setFileSpecifier(fs))
return false;
pFWD->createImageFrame(pPipe->dataModel(), pPipe->size());
if (formatType == kPNG) {
Atil::FormatCodecPropertyInterface* pProp = pFWD->getProperty(Atil::FormatCodecPropertyInterface::kCompression);
if (pProp != NULL) {
PngCompression* pPngComp = (PngCompression*)(pProp);
if ( pPngComp != NULL ) {
// Why not compress all we can?
delete pProp;
pProp = NULL;
else if (formatType == kTIF) {
Atil::FormatCodecPropertyInterface* pProp = pFWD->getProperty(Atil::FormatCodecPropertyInterface::kCompression);
if (pProp != NULL) {
TiffCompression* pComp = (TiffCompression*)(pProp);
if ( pComp != NULL ) {
// G4 is only valid for 1 bit images.
if ( pComp->selectCompression(TiffCompressionType::kCCITT_FAX4) == false ) {
// So if that fails, resort to LZW now that it is patent free
if ( pComp->selectCompression(TiffCompressionType::kLZW) == false ) {
// If that fails (and is shouldn't, be) then set none.
delete pProp;
pProp = NULL;
// get the current vp
int getCVPort()
struct resbuf rb;
ads_getvar(_T("CVPORT"), &rb);
return rb.resval.rint;
Atil::DataModel* colorSpace (char *&pRGBData, int colorDepth, int paletteSize)
// Setup a color space, with palette if needed
Atil::DataModel *pDm = NULL;
if (colorDepth == 8) {
Atil::RgbColor space[256];
Atil::RgbPaletteModel *pPM = new Atil::RgbPaletteModel();
return NULL;
pDm = pPM;
char *palette = pRGBData;
pRGBData += paletteSize;
for (int i = 0; i < paletteSize; i += 4)
space[i / 4] = Atil::RgbColor(palette[i+2],palette[i+1],palette[i], 255);
pPM->setEntries(0, 256, (Atil::RgbColor *)&space);
} else
pDm = new Atil::RgbModel(32);
return pDm;
Atil::Image *constructAtilImg(char *pRGBData,
unsigned long bufferSize, unsigned long rowBytes,
unsigned long xSize, unsigned long ySize, int colorDepth, int paletteSize)
if ((8 != colorDepth) && (32 != colorDepth))
return NULL;
if (paletteSize)
if ((paletteSize < 0) || (paletteSize > 255))
return NULL;
if ((xSize <= 0) || (ySize <= 0))
return NULL;
Atil::Image *pImg = NULL;
Atil::Size size(xSize, ySize);
// construct the Atil::Image object
if (pRGBData) {
// Check the buffer for size and definition
if (bufferSize) {
if (!rowBytes) {
return NULL;
// did they allocate enough?
if (rowBytes * ySize > bufferSize) {
return NULL;
else {
return NULL;
Atil::DataModel *pM = colorSpace(pRGBData, colorDepth, paletteSize);
if(NULL == pM)
return NULL;
try {
// BEWARE: pRGBData may be moved in colorSpace
pImg = new Atil::Image(pRGBData, bufferSize,
rowBytes, size, pM);
} catch (Atil::ATILException* pExpCon) {
// image construction failure
delete pExpCon;
delete pM;
pImg = NULL;
return NULL;
delete pM;
else {
Atil::RgbModel rgbM(32);
Atil::RgbGrayModel gM;
Atil::ImagePixel initialColor(colorDepth == 32 ?
Atil::DataModelAttributes::kRgba :
try {
pImg = new Atil::Image(size,
colorDepth == 32 ? &rgbM : &gM,
} catch (Atil::ATILException* pExpCon) {
// image construction failure
delete pExpCon;
pImg = NULL;
return NULL;
_ASSERT(NULL != pImg);
return pImg;
bool getTempImgFile(TCHAR * fileName)
// Here we create a temp bmp file as a transitional file
DWORD nRetSize = ::GetTempPath(MAX_PATH,tempDic);
if (nRetSize > MAX_PATH || nRetSize == 0)
const TCHAR * tempStr = _T("C:\\temp");
if (wcscpy_s(tempDic,tempStr) != 0)
return false;
if (::PathFileExists(tempStr) == FALSE &&
::CreateDirectory(tempStr,NULL) == FALSE)
return false;
// create the temp file whose prefix is "img"
if (::GetTempFileName(tempDic,_T("tmp"),0,fileName) == 0)
return false;
// now split the filepath into its individual components
TCHAR drive[_MAX_DRIVE], dir[_MAX_DIR], fname[_MAX_FNAME], ext[_MAX_EXT];
_tsplitpath (fileName, drive, dir, fname, ext);
_stprintf(fileName, _T("%s%s%s.bmp"), drive, dir, fname);
return true;
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