By Fenton Webb
When I call pAttribute->highlight(); it returns Acad::eOk but the attribute is not highlighted on screen.
I have also tried opening the block reference and highlighting the attribute via:
AcDbFullSubentPath subPath;
this method highlights the block reference and all attributes.
Is there any way to highlight only the attribute?
There is a defect which prevents the AcDbAttribute::highlight() from working correctly.
Here is a workaround...
// This is command 'TEST, by Fenton Webb [Mar/11/2002], DevTech, Autodesk
void asdktest()
ads_name ename;
ads_point pt;
// pick an entity to check
int res = acedEntSel (_T("\nPick a block with attributes : "), ename, pt);
// if the user didn't cancel
if (res == RTNORM)
AcDbObjectId objId;
// convert the ename to an object id
acdbGetObjectId (objId, ename);
// open the entity for read
AcDbObjectPointer<AcDbBlockReference>blockRef (objId, AcDb::kForRead);
// if ok
if (blockRef.openStatus () == Acad::eOk)
// create an attribute iterator so we can check to see if any attribute asre attached
AcDbObjectIterator *pAttributeIterator = blockRef->attributeIterator ();
// if it allocated ok
if (pAttributeIterator != NULL)
AcDbObjectId ObjId;
AcDbAttribute *pAttribute = NULL;
// now loop through them
for (int count=0; !pAttributeIterator->done(); pAttributeIterator->step(), ++count)
// get the object id of the attribute
acdbGetAdsName(ename, pAttributeIterator->objectId());
// highlight every other one
if (!(count % 2))
// try and highlight it
acedRedraw (ename, 3);
// delete the iterator
delete pAttributeIterator;
AfxMessageBox(_T("This is not a block reference"));