By Fenton Webb
An AcDbPolyline is derived from AcDbCurve, a curve uses Parameter values to define its geometry. For a Polyline, the Parameter start value is 0 and the end parameter is the total number of vertices –1. Those parameter values can be utilized to quickly and easily work out mid points, like this:
Acad::ErrorStatus getMidPointOnEachSegOfCrv(AcDbCurve *pCurve)
acutPrintf(L"\nSelected entity is not a CURVE derived object");
return Acad::eInvalidInput;
Acad::ErrorStatus es;
double startParam, endParam;
// get the start param, usually it starts at 0 or 1
es = pCurve->getStartParam( startParam );
acutPrintf(L"\nstartParam is %fl", startParam);
// get the end param, for a polyline it's the total number of
// vertex's -1
es = pCurve->getEndParam( endParam );
acutPrintf(L"\nendParam is %fl", endParam);
// now loop the parameters, adding 1.0 each iteration
for(double i=startParam; i<=endParam; ++i)
AcGePoint3d pt;
es = pCurve->getPointAtParam(i+.5, pt);
if (es == Acad::eOk)
acutPrintf(L"\n%f,%f,%f", pt[0], pt[1], pt[2]);
return Acad::eOk;