by Fenton Webb
Here is a listing of all the available commands in AutoCAD OEM 2013; remember, there are differences between full AutoCAD and AutoCAD OEM…
Commands T - Z
_-table | Creates an empty table object in a drawing |
_table | Creates an empty table object in a drawing |
_tabledit | Edits text in a table cell |
_tablestyle | Defines a new table style |
_tableexport | Exports data from a table object in CSV file format |
tableindicator | Controls the display of the cell and row indicator when the In-Place Text Editor is open for editing a table. |
tabletoolbar | Controls the display of the Table Toolbar. |
_tablet | Calibrates configures and turns on and off an attached digitizing tablet |
tabmode | Controls the use of the tablet. |
_tabsurf | Creates a tabulated surface from a path curve and a direction vector |
target | Stores the location (as a UCS coordinate) of the target point for the current viewport. |
_targetpoint | Creates a target point light |
_taskbar | Controls whether multiple open drawings are displayed as separate items on the Windows taskbar |
_tbconfig | Toolbar configuration |
*TBCUSTOMIZE | Controls whether toolbars can be customized. |
tbshowshortcuts | Show Shortcut Keys on tooltips. |
tdcreate | Stores the local time and date the drawing was created. |
tdindwg | Stores the total editing time. |
tducreate | Stores the universal time and date the drawing was created. |
tdupdate | Stores the local time and date of the last update/save. |
tdusrtimer | Stores the user-elapsed timer. |
tduupdate | Stores the universal time and date of the last update/save. |
tempoverrides | Turns temporary override keys on and off. |
tempprefix | Contains the directory name (if any) configured for placement of temporary files |
_text | Displays text on screen as it is entered |
_-text | Creates a single line of text |
texted | Specifies the user interface for editing single-line text and dimension text. |
_textedit | Enables you to edit a dimensional constraint |
texteval | Controls the method of evaluation of text strings. |
textfill | Controls the filling of TrueType fonts while plotting |
textoutputfileformat | Provides Unicode options for plot and text window log files. |
textqlty | Sets the resolution tessellation fineness of text outlines |
_texttofront | Brings text and dimensions in front of all other objects in the drawing |
_textscr | Opens the AutoCAD OEM text window |
textsize | Sets the default height for new text objects drawn with the current text style (has no effect if the style has a fixed height). |
textstyle | Sets the name of the current text style. |
_tframes | Toggles the state of frames for Wipeout and image objects. |
_thicken | Creates a 3D solid by thickening a surface |
thickness | Sets the current 3D solid thickness. |
thumbsave | Controls whether BMP preview images are saved with the drawing. |
thumbsize | Specifies the maximum generated size for preview thumbnails in pixels. |
_tifout | Saves selected objects to a file in a TIFF format |
tilemode | Makes the Model tab or the last layout tab current. |
_time | Displays the date and time statistics of a drawing |
timezone | Sets the time zone for sun studies in the drawing. |
_tinsert | Insert a block into a table cell |
_tolerance | Creates geometric tolerances |
_toolbar | Displays hides and customizes toolbars |
_-toolbar | Displays hides and customizes toolbars from command line |
_toolpalettes | Opens the Tool Palettes window. |
_toolpalettesclose | Closes the Tool Palettes window. |
tooltipmerge | Controls whether snap type tips are merged with the dynamic input prompts or display in independent tooltip. |
tooltips | Controls the display of tooltips. |
tooltipsize | Controls the Size of the tooltip found in Look & Feel Page |
tooltiptransparency | Controls the Transparency of the tooltip |
_torus | Creates a donut-shaped solid |
_tpnavigate | Displays a specified tool palette or palette group |
*tpstate | Monitors Tool Palette state. Used in menu code. |
_trace | Creates solid lines |
tracewid | Sets the default trace width. |
trackpath | Controls the display of polar and object snap tracking alignment paths. |
_transparency | Controls whether background pixels in an image are transparent or opaque |
transparencydisplay | Controls whether the transparency of objects are displayed. |
trayicons | Determines whether icons display in status bar tray |
traynotify | Determines whether bubble window notifications (from tray icons) are displayed |
_traysettings | Displays the Tray Settings dialog |
traytimeout | Determines how long bubble window notifications are displayed |
treedepth | Specifies the maximum depth |
treemax | Limits memory consumption during drawing regeneration by limiting the number of nodes in the spatial index (oct-tree). |
_treestat | Displays information about the drawing's current spatial index |
_trim | Trims objects at a cutting edge defined by other objects |
trimmode | Controls whether AutoCAD OEM trims selected edges for chamfers and fillets. |
tspacefac | Controls the multiline text line spacing distance measured as a factor of text height. Valid values are 0.25 to 4.0. |
tspacetype | Controls the type of line spacing used in multiline text. |
tstackalign | Controls the vertical alignment of stacked text. |
tstacksize | Controls the percentage of stacked text fraction height relative to selected text's current height. |
*twstate | Stores a value that indicates whether Text Window is open |
_u | Reverses the most recent operation |
_ucs | Manages user coordinate systems |
ucs2ddisplaysetting | Controls the Display of UCS in 2D. |
ucsaxisang | Stores the default angle when rotating the UCS around one of its axes using the X |
ucsbase | Stores the name of the UCS that defines the origin and orientation of orthographic UCS settings. |
ucsdetect | Controls whether dynamic UCS acquisition is active or not. |
ucsfollow | Generates a plan view whenever you change from one UCS to another. |
_ucsicon | Controls the visibility and placement of the UCS icon |
_ucsman | Manages defined user coordinate systems |
_+ucsman | Manages defined user coordinate systems dialog box |
ucsname | Stores the name of the current coordinate system for the current viewport in the current space. |
ucsorg | Stores the origin point of the current coordinate system for the current viewport in the current space. |
ucsortho | Determines whether the related orthographic UCS setting is restored automatically when an orthographic view is restored. |
ucsselectmode | Controls UCS icon to be selectable or not |
ucsview | Determines whether the current UCS is saved with a named view. |
ucsvp | Determines whether the UCS in active viewports remains fixed or changes to reflect the UCS of the currently active viewport. |
ucsxdir | Stores the X direction of the current UCS for the current viewport in the current space. |
ucsydir | Stores the Y direction of the current UCS for the current viewport in the current space. |
_ulayers | Launches the Underlay Layers dialog (no selection required) |
_undefine | Allows an application-defined command to override an internal AutoCAD OEM command |
_undo | Reverses the effect of commands |
undoctl | Stores a bitcode indicating the state of the Auto and Control options of the UNDO command. |
undomarks | Stores the number of marks placed in the UNDO control stream by the Mark option. |
_ungroup | Explode a group |
_union | Creates a composite region or solid |
_unisolateobjects | Makes objects visible that have been previously hidden using the HIDEOBJECTS or ISOLATEOBJECTS commands |
unitmode | Controls the display format for units. |
_units | Controls coordinate and angle display formats and determines precision |
_-units | Controls coordinate and angle display formats and determines precision from command line |
uosnap | Controls whether DWF/PDF/DGN OSNAP’s are turned on or off. This parameter overwrites all individual DWF/PDF/DGN OSNAP settings. |
_updatefield | Manually updates fields in selected objects in the drawing |
updatethumbnail | Controls whether thumbnail previews are updated when the drawing is saved. |
_updatethumbsnow | Manually updates thumbnail previews for sheets |
useri1 | Used for storage and retrieval of integer values. |
useri2 | Used for storage and retrieval of integer values. |
useri3 | Used for storage and retrieval of integer values. |
useri4 | Used for storage and retrieval of integer values. |
useri5 | Used for storage and retrieval of integer values. |
userr1 | Used for storage and retrieval of real numbers.. |
userr2 | Used for storage and retrieval of real numbers.. |
userr3 | Used for storage and retrieval of real numbers.. |
userr4 | Used for storage and retrieval of real numbers.. |
userr5 | Used for storage and retrieval of real numbers.. |
users1 | Used for storage and retrieval of string values. |
users2 | Used for storage and retrieval of string values. |
users3 | Used for storage and retrieval of string values. |
users4 | Used for storage and retrieval of string values. |
users5 | Used for storage and retrieval of string values. |
_vbaide | Displays the Visual Basic Base - Editor |
_vbaload | Loads a global VBA project into the current session |
_-vbaload | Loads a global VBA project into the current session from command line |
_vbaman | Loads |
_vbanew | Create a new VBA project. |
_vbapref | Display the VBA Options dialog. |
_vbarun | Runs a VBA macro |
_-vbarun | Runs a VBA macro from command line |
_vbastmt | Executes a VBA statement on the AutoCAD OEM command line. |
_vbaunload | Unloads a global VBA project. |
_vernum | Displays the AutoCAD OEM version. |
version | Displays the AutoCAD OEM version. |
_view | Saves and restores named views |
_-view | Saves and restores named views from command line |
_+view | Saves and restores named views dialog box |
_viewback | Navigate view backward without incurring any undo |
viewbackstatus | Used to indicate if viewback operation is available or not |
viewctr | Stores the center of view in the current viewport. |
_viewcubeaction | Internal command used by Viewcube. |
viewdir | Stores the viewing direction in the current viewport expressed in UCS coordinates. |
_viewforward | Navigate view forward to a stored view from back view navigation and it doesn't record any undo recording |
viewfwdstatus | Used to indicate if viewforward operation is available or not |
_viewgo | Restores a named view |
viewmode | Controls the View mode for the current viewport using bitcode. |
_viewplay | Plays the animation associated to a named view |
_viewplotdetails | Displays information about completed plot and publish jobs |
_viewports | Creates new viewport configurations |
_viewres | Sets the resolution for object generation in the current viewport |
viewsize | Stores the height of the view in the current viewport. |
viewtwist | Stores the view twist angle for the current viewport. |
visretain | Controls the visibility |
_-visualstyles | Command line version of -visualstyles. |
_visualstyles | Creates and modifies visual styles and applies a visual style to a viewport |
_visualstylesclose | Closes the Visual Styles Manager |
_vlide | For use in AutoCAD OEM only: Visual LISP IDE. |
_vlisp | For use in AutoCAD OEM only: Vlisp command. |
_vpclip | Clips viewport objects |
vpcontrol | Controls the visibility of Viewport Access Control |
_vplayer | Sets layer visibility within viewports |
vplayeroverrides | Indicates if there are any layers with viewport (VP) property overrides for the current layout viewport. |
vplayeroverridesmode | Controls whether layer property overrides associated with layout viewports are displayed and plotted. |
_vpmax | Expands the current layout viewport for editing |
vpmaximizedstate | Stores a value that indicates whether the viewport is maximized. You cannot plot or publish when the viewport is maximized. |
_vpmin | Restores the current layout viewport |
_vpoint | Sets the viewing direction for a three-dimensional visualization of the drawing |
_vports | Divides the graphics area into multiple tiled viewports |
_-vports | Divides the graphics area into multiple tiled viewports from command line |
_+vports | Divides the graphics area into multiple tiled viewports from dialog |
vprotateassoc | Controls whether the view angle is rotated when a viewport is rotated |
vsacurvaturehigh | Sets the max curvature value that will be used that displays as red |
vsacurvaturelow | Sets the max curvature value that will be used that displays as blue |
vsacurvaturetype | Controls what type of curvature analysis is used (Gaussian |
vsadraftanglehigh | Sets the max angle value that will be used that displays as red |
vsadraftanglelow | Sets the min angle value that will be used that displays as blue |
vsazebracolor1 | Controls the color of the zebra stripes |
vsazebracolor2 | Controls the color of the zebra stripes |
vsazebradirection | Controls the direction (Horizontal/Vertical or degree) of the zebra stripes |
vsazebrasize | Controls the display size on of the zebra stripes |
vsazebratype | Controls the type of zebra display type (Cylinder/ Chrome Ball) |
vsbackgrounds | Controls whether backgrounds are displayed in the visual style applied to the current viewport. |
_vscurrent | Sets the visual style in the current viewport |
vsedgecolor | Sets the color of edges in the visual style in the current viewport. The initial value is 7 (ACI Black). |
vsedgejitter | Controls the degree to which lines are made to appear as though sketched with a pencil. |
vsedgelex | Makes edges on 3D objects extend beyond their intersection for a hand-drawn effect. |
vsedgeoverhang | Specifies the amount of edge overhang in pixels. The range is -100 to 100. |
vsedges | Controls the types of edges that are displayed in the viewport. |
vsedgesmooth | Specifies the angle at which crease edges are displayed. |
vsfacecolormode | Controls how the color of faces is calculated. |
vsfacehighlight | Controls the display of specular highlights on faces without materials in the current viewport. |
vsfaceopacity | Controls the transparency of faces in the current viewport. |
vsfacestyle | Controls how faces are displayed in the current viewport. |
vshalogap | Sets the halo gap in the visual style applied to the current viewport. |
vshideprecision | Controls the accuracy of hides and shades in the visual style applied to the current viewport. |
vsintersectioncolor | Specifies the color of intersection polylines in the visual style applied to the current viewport. |
vsintersectionedges | Controls the display of intersection edges in the visual style applied to the current viewport. |
vsintersectionltype | Controls whether intersection lines are displayed in the current viewport and sets their linetype. |
vsisoontop | Displays isolines on top of shaded objects in the visual style applied to the current viewport. |
_vslide | Displays a raster image slide file in the current viewport |
vslightingquality | Sets the lighting quality in the current viewport. |
vsmaterialmode | Controls the display of materials in the current viewport. |
vsmax | Stores the upper-right corner of the current viewport's virtual screen. |
vsmin | Stores the lower-left corner of the current viewport's virtual screen. |
vsmonocolor | Sets the color for monochrome display of faces in the visual style applied to the current viewport. |
vsobscuredcolor | Specifies the color of obscured lines in the visual style applied to the current viewport. |
vsobscurededges | Controls whether obscured (hidden) edges are displayed. |
vsobscuredltype | Specifies the linetype of obscured lines in the visual style applied to the current viewport. |
vsoccludedcolor | Specifies the color of occluded (hidden) lines in the visual style applied to the current viewport. |
vsoccludededges | Controls whether occluded (hidden) edges are displayed. |
vsoccludedltype | Specifies the linetype of occluded (hidden) lines in the visual style applied to the current viewport. |
_vssave | Saves a visual style |
vsshadows | Controls whether a visual style displays shadows. |
vssilhedges | Controls display of silhouette curves of solid objects in the visual style applied to the current viewport. |
vssilhwidth | Specifies the width in pixels of silhouette edges in the current viewport. |
*vsstate | Stores a value that indicates whether the Visual Styles window is open. |
vtduration | Sets the duration of a smooth view transition |
vtenable | Controls when smooth view transitions are used |
vtfps | Sets the minimum speed of a smooth view transition |
_vtoptions | The View Transitions dialog box is displayed. |
_wblock | Writes objects to a new drawing file |
_-wblock | Writes objects to a new drawing file from command line |
_walkflysettings | Sets 3D walk and 3D fly animations |
_weblight | Creates a web light |
_wedge | Creates a 3D solid with a sloped face tapering along the X axis |
whiparc | Controls whether the display of circles and arcs is smooth. |
*whipthread | Controls whether threading is supported by Whip. |
_whohas | Displays ownership information for opened drawing files |
windowareacolor | Controls the color of the transparent selection area during window selection. |
_wipeout | Covers existing objects with a blank area |
wipeoutframe | Controls the display of frames for wipeout objects |
wmfbkgnd | Controls whether the background display of AutoCAD OEM objects is transparent in other applications |
wmfforegnd | Controls whether the foreground display of AutoCAD OEM objects is transparent in other applications |
_wmfin | Imports a Windows metafile |
_wmfopts | Sets options for WMFIN |
_wmfout | Saves objects to a Windows metafile |
_workspace | Controls the display |
workspacelabel | Determines whether workspace label is displayed for the workspace switch in the status bar |
worlducs | Indicates whether the UCS is the same as the WCS. |
worldview | Determines whether input to the 3DORBIT |
writestat | Indicates whether a drawing file is read-only or can be written to. |
wscurrent | Returns the current workspace in the command line interface. |
_wssave | Saves a workspace |
_-wssave | Saves a workspace from the command line. |
_wssettings | Opens the Workspace Settings dialog box |
_xattach | Attaches an external reference to the current drawing |
_xbind | Binds dependent symbols of an Xref to a drawing |
_-xbind | Binds dependent symbols of an xref to a drawing from command line |
_xclip | Defines an xref clipping boundary and sets the front or back clipping planes |
xclipframe | Shows clip frame |
xdwgfadectl | Controls the dimming for all DWG xref objects. The valid range is -90 to 90. |
_xedges | Creates wireframe geometry by extracting edges from a 3D solid or surface |
xedit | Controls whether the current drawing can be edited in-place when being referenced by another drawing. |
xfadectl | Controls the fading intensity for references being edited in-place. |
_xline | Creates an infinite line |
xloadctl | Turns xref demand loading on and off and controls whether it opens the original drawing or a copy. |
xloadpath | Creates a path for storing temporary copies of demand-loaded xref files. For more information |
_xopen | Opens a selected external reference (xref) in a new window |
_xp | Breaks a compound object into its component objects |
_xplode | Breaks a compound object into its component objects |
_xref | Controls external references to drawing files |
_-xref | Controls external references to drawing files from command line |
xrefctl | Controls whether AutoCAD OEM writes external reference log (XLG) files. |
xrefnotify | Controls the notification for updated or missing xrefs. |
xreftype | Controls the default reference type when attaching or overlaying an external reference. |
_zoom | Increases or decreases the apparent size of objects in the current viewport |
zoomfactor | Accepts an integer between 3 and 100 as valid values. |
zoomwheel | Toggles the direction of transparent zoom operations when you scroll the middle mouse wheel. |
_? | Help |