by Fenton Webb
Here is a listing of all the available commands in AutoCAD OEM 2013; remember, there are differences between full AutoCAD and AutoCAD OEM…
Commands M - S
_markup | Displays the details of markup and allows you to change their status |
_markupclose | Closes the Markup Set Manager |
_massprop | Calculates and displays the mass properties of regions or solids |
_matbrowserclose | Closes the Materials Browser |
_matbrowseropen | Opens the Materials Browser |
matbrowserstate | Indicates whether the Materials Browser window is open or closed |
_matchcell | Applies the properties of a selected table cell to other table cells |
_matchprop | Copies the properties from one object to one or more objects |
_mateditorclose | Closes the Materials Editor |
_mateditoropen | Opens the Materials Editor |
mateditorstate | Indicates whether the Materials Editor window is open or closed. |
_materialassign | Internal command used materials. |
_materialattach | Attaches materials to objects by layer |
_materialmap | Maps a material to selected objects |
_materials | Manages |
_materialsclose | Closes the Materials window |
_matlib | Opens the Materials Browser |
maxactvp | Sets the maximum number of viewports that can be active at one time in the display. |
maxsort | Sets the maximum number of symbol names or block names sorted by listing commands. |
mbuttonpan | Controls the behavior of the third button or wheel on the pointing device. |
_measure | Places point objects or blocks at measured intervals on an object |
_measuregeom | Measures the distance |
measureinit | Sets the initial drawing units as English or metric. |
measurement | Sets drawing units as English or metric for the current drawing only. |
_menu | Loads a menu file |
menubar | Controls the display of the menu bar. |
menuname | Stores the menu file name |
menuecho | Sets menu echo and prompt control bits. |
_mesh | Creates primitive meshes that can be smoothed |
_meshcap | Creates a mesh face that connects open edges |
_meshcollapse | Merges the vertices of selected mesh faces or edges |
_meshcrease | Provides the functionality of making a face |
_meshextrude | Extends a mesh face into 3D space |
_meshmerge | Merges adjacent faces into a single face |
_meshoptions | Displays the Mesh Tessellation Options dialog. |
_meshprimitiveoptions | Displays the Mesh Primitive Options dialog. |
_meshrefine | Adds definition to the Smooth mesh by re-assigning any level of smoothness representation to become the new Lev0. |
_meshsmooth | Converts 3D solid entities into meshes |
_meshsmoothless | Removes smoothness one level from Mesh |
_meshsmoothmore | Adds smoothness one level to Mesh |
_meshspin | Spins the adjoining edge of two triangular mesh faces |
_meshsplit | Solits a face of 3D mesh |
meshtype | Controls what type of MESH object is generated when the REVSURF |
_meshuncrease | Remove crease value from Mesh face |
_migratematerials | Finds any legacy materials in Tools Palettes |
_minsert | Inserts multiple instances of a block in a rectangular array |
mirrhatch | Controls how the MIRROR command reflects text. |
_mirror | Creates a mirror image copy of objects |
_mirror3d | Creates a mirror image of objects about a plane |
mirrtext | Controls how the MIRROR command reflects text. |
_mleader | Creates a line that connects annotation to a feature |
_mleaderalign | Organizes selected multileaders along a specifiedline |
_mleadercollect | Organizes selected multileaders containing blocks as content into a group attached to a single leader line |
_mleaderedit | Adds leader lines to |
_mleadercontentedit | Hidden command that double click edits MLEADERS. |
mleaderscale | Sets the overall scale factor applied to multileader objects. |
_mleaderstyle | Defines a new multileader style |
_mledit | Edits multiple parallel lines |
_-mledit | Edits multiple parallel lines from command line |
_mline | Creates multiple parallel lines |
_mlstyle | Defines a style for multiple parallel lines |
_model | Switches from the Layout tab to the Model tab and makes it current |
modemacro | Displays a text string on the status line |
_move | Displaces objects a specified distance in a specified direction |
_mredo | Multi-redo command |
_mslide | Creates a slide file of the current viewport |
msltscale | Scales linetypes displayed on the model tab by the annotation scale |
*msmstate | Markup window state |
msolescale | Controls the size of an OLE object with text that is pasted into model space. |
_mspace | Switches from paper space to a model space viewport |
_mtedit | Starts the mtext Base - Editor |
_mtext | Creates multiline text |
_-mtext | Creates multiline text from command line |
mtexted | Sets mtext Base - Editor type |
mtextcolumn | Controls the default Multiline Text column behavior |
mtextfixed | Controls the appearance of the Multiline Text Base - Editor. |
mtexttoolbar | Controls the display of the Text Formatting toolbar. |
mtjigstring | Sets the content of the sample text displayed at the cursor location when the MTEXT command is started. |
_mtprop | Mtext properties |
_multiple | Repeats the next command until canceled |
_mview | Creates floating viewports and turns on existing floating viewports |
_mvsetup | Sets up the specifications of a drawing |
mydocumentsprefix | Returns the "My Documents" folder for the currently logged on user |
_navbar | Shows or hides the Navigation Bar |
navbardisplay | Controls the display of the Navigation Bar in the current viewport |
_-navsmotion | Command line version of the ShowMotion command. |
_navsmotion | Displays the ShowMotion interface |
_navsmotionclose | Closes the ShowMotion interface |
_navswheel | Displays the SteeringWheel |
navswheelmode | Specifies the current mode of the SteeringWheel. |
navswheelopacitybig | Controls the opacity of the big wheels. |
navswheelopacitymini | Controls the opacity of the mini wheels. |
navswheelsizebig | Specifies the size of the big wheels. |
navswheelsizemini | Specifies the size of the mini wheels. |
_navvcube | Controls the visibility and display properties of the ViewCube |
navvcubedisplay | Controls the display of the ViewCube for the current viewport when the 3D graphic system is active. |
navvcubelocation | Identifies the corner in a viewport where the ViewCube will be displayed. |
navvcubeopacity | Controls the opacity of the ViewCube when inactive. |
navvcubeorient | Controls whether the ViewCube reflects the current UCS or WCS. |
navvcubesize | Specifies the size of the ViewCube. |
_ncopy | Copies objects nested in an xref or a block. |
_netload | Loads a .NET managed assembly |
_new | Creates a new drawing file |
_newsheetset | Creates a new sheet set |
_newshot | Opens the New View dialog box with the "Shot properties" tab active. |
_newview | Expedites the creation of a new view |
nodename | Returns the temporary file extension |
nomutt | Suppresses the message display (muttering) when it wouldn't normally be suppressed |
northdirection | Specifies the angle of the Sun from north. |
objectisolationmode | Controls whether isolated/hidden objects are persisted between drawing sessions |
_objectscale | Adds or deletes supported scales for annotative objects |
_-objectscale | Adds or deletes supported scales for annotative objects from the command line. |
obscuredcolor | Specifies the color of obscured lines. |
obscuredltype | Specifies the linetype of obscured lines. |
_offset | Creates concentric circles parallel lines and parallel curves |
offsetdist | Sets the default offset distance. |
offsetgaptype | Controls how to offset polylines when a gap is created as a result of offsetting the individual polyline segments. |
_oleconvert | OLE command |
oleframe | Controls the size of an OLE object with text that is pasted into model space. |
olehide | Controls the display of OLE objects |
_oleopen | Opens an OLE object |
_olelinks | Updates changes and cancels existing OLE links |
olequality | Controls the default quality level for embedded OLE objects. |
_olereset | Restores an OLE object to its original size and shape |
_olescale | Scales OLE text objects |
olestartup | Controls whether the source application of an embedded OLE object loads when plotting. |
_oops | Restores erased objects |
_open | Opens an existing drawing file |
_opendwfmarkup | Displays the Select DWF Markup dialog box. |
openpartial | Does a partial open of a drawing. |
_-opensheetset | Open a sheet set from the command line. |
_opensheetset | The Open Sheet Set dialog box (a standard file selection dialog box) is displayed. |
opmstate | Indicates whether the properties window is displaying or not |
_optchprop | Internal command for changing propierties from various combo box dropdowns. |
_options | Customizes the AutoCAD OEM settings |
_+options | Customizes the AutoCAD OEM settings from dialog |
_ortho | Constrains cursor movement |
orthomode | Constrains cursor movement to the perpendicular. |
osmode | Sets running Object Snap modes using the following bitcodes. |
_osnap | Sets running object snap modes and changes the target box size |
_-osnap | Sets running object snap modes and changes the target box size from command line |
osnapcoord | Controls whether coordinates entered on the command line override running object snaps. |
osnaphatch | Controls how object snaps work with hatch. |
osoptions | Automatically suppresses object snaps on hatch objects and when using a dynamic UCS. |
*osnapoverride | Sets override value for osnap. |
osnapz | Controls whether object snaps are automatically projected onto a plane parallel to the XY plane of the current UCS at the current elevation |
_overkill | Removes unneeded objects by deleting duplicates and combining line and arc segments that overlap. |
_-overkill | Removes unneeded objects by deleting duplicates and combining line and arc segments that overlap. |
_pagesetup | Specifies the layout page |
paletteopaque | Controls whether palettes can be made transparent |
_pan | Moves the drawing display in the current viewport |
_-pan | Moves the drawing display in the current viewport from command line |
paperupdate | Controls the display of a warning dialog when attempting to print a layout with a paper size different from the paper size for the plotter configuration file. |
parametercopymode | Controls how constraints and referenced variables are copied when replicating constrained geometry. |
_-parameters | Controls the associative parameters used in the drawing. |
_parameters | Controls the associative parameters used in the drawing. |
_parametersclose | Closes the Parameters Manager palette if it is open. |
parametersstatus | Indicates whether the Parameters Manager palette is displayed or hidden. |
_partiaload | Loads additional geometry into a partially opened drawing |
_-partiaload | Loads additional geometry into a partially opened drawing from command line |
_-partialopen | Loads geometry from a selected view or layer into a drawing from command line |
_pasteashyperlink | Pastes a hyperlink to the selected object |
_pasteblock | Inserts data from the Clipboard as a block |
_pasteclip | Inserts data from the Clipboard |
_pasteorig | Inserts data from the Clipboard |
_pastespec | Inserts data from the Clipboard and controls the format of the data |
_pcinwizard | Displays a wizard to import PCP and PC2 configuration file plot settings into the Model tab or current layout |
_-pdfadjust | Allows adjustment of a PDF underlay from the command line |
_pdfadjust | Allows adjustment of a PDF underlay |
_-pdfattach | Attaches a PDF underlay to the current drawing from the command line |
_pdfattach | Attaches a PDF underlay to the current drawing |
_pdfclip | Uses clipping boundaries to define a subregion of a PDF underlay |
pdfframe | Determines whether the PDF frame is visible and plotted. |
_pdflayers | Controls the display of layers in a PDF underlay |
pdfosnap | Determines whether object snapping is active for PDF underlays which are attached to the drawing. |
pdmode | Controls how point objects are displayed. |
pdsize | Sets the display size for point objects. |
_pedit | Edits polylines and three-dimensional polygon meshes |
peditaccept | Controls whether PEDIT command issues prompt to convert objects to polyines. |
pellipse | Determines whether an ellipse entity or polyline approximation of an ellipse is created during the ELLIPSE command |
perimeter | Stores the last perimeter value computed by the AREA |
perspective | Turns on live sectioning for a selected section object. |
perspectiveclip | Determines the location of eyepoint clipping. The valid float value can range between 0.0001 to 10.0. The value determines where the eye point clipping occurs. |
_pface | Creates a three-dimensional polyface mesh vertex by vertex |
pfacevmax | Sets the maximum number of vertices per face. |
_pngout | Saves selected objects to a file in a Portable Network Graphics format |
pickadd | Controls whether subsequent selections replace the current selection set or add to it. |
pickauto | Controls automatic windowing at the Select Objects prompt. |
pickbox | Sets the object selection target height |
pickdrag | Controls the method of drawing a selection window. |
pickfirst | Controls whether you select objects before (noun-verb selection) or after you issue a command. |
pickstyle | Controls the use of group selection and associative hatch selection. |
_pkfstgroup | Allows the user to select the items to group before running the command |
_-pkfstgroup | Allows the user to select the items to group before running the command |
_plan | Displays the plan view of a user coordinate system |
_planesurf | Creates a planar surface |
platform | Indicates what platform AutoCAD OEM is running on. |
_pline | Creates two-dimensional polylines |
plineconvertmode | Controls whether line or arc segments are used when converting splines to plines |
plinegen | Sets how linetype patterns generate around the vertices of a 2D polyline. |
plinereversewidths | Used to control appearance of polyline when it is reversed. |
plinetype | Specifies whether AutoCAD OEM uses optimized 2D polylines. |
plinewid | Stores the default polyline width. |
_plot | Plots a drawing to a plotter printer or file |
_-plot | Plots a drawing to a plotter printer or file from command line |
plotoffset | Controls whether the plot offset is relative to the printable area or to the edge of the paper. |
_plotstamp | Places a plot stamp on a specified corner of each drawing and/or logs it to a file |
_-plotstamp | Places a plot stamp on a specified corner of each drawing and/or logs it to a file |
plotrotmode | Controls the orientation of plots. |
_plotstyle | Sets the current plot style for new objects |
_-plotstyle | Sets the current plot style for new objects from command line |
_plottermanager | Displays the Autodesk Plotter Manager which provides access to the Add-a-Plotter wizard |
plottransparencyoverride | Controls whether the transparency of objects are plotted. |
plquiet | Controls the display of optional dialog boxes and nonfatal errors for batch plotting and scripts. |
_point | Creates a point entity |
_pointcloud | Index or attach point cloud object |
_-pointcloudattach | Attach a point cloud object |
_pointcloudattach | Attach a point cloud object |
pointcloudautoupdate | Specify if point clouds are automatically updated when transform or view changes |
pointcloudboundary | Controls the display of point cloud bounding box. The point cloud bounding box will not be plotted. |
_pointcloudclip | Creates new clipping boundaries for single point cloud object |
pointcloudclipframe | Determines whether point cloud clipping boundaries are visible or plotted in the current drawing |
pointclouddensity | Set the density to use when displaying point clouds |
pointcloudrtdensity | Set the density to use when displaying point clouds during real time orbit |
_pointcloudindex | Index a point cloud data file |
_pointcloudintensityedit | Controls the color mapping scheme and specify the mapping between color ramp and intensity range. |
pointcloudlock | Specifies if point clouds are locked when attached |
pointcloudpointmax | Sets the maximum number of points that can exist in a drawing. |
_pointlight | Specify source location <0 |
polaraddang | Contains user-defined polar angles. |
polarang | Sets the polar angle increment. Values are 90 |
polardist | Sets the snap increment when the SNAPSTYL system variable is set to 1 (polar snap). |
polarmode | Controls settings for polar and object snap tracking. |
_polygon | Creates an equilateral closed polyline |
polysides | Sets the default number of sides for the POLYGON command. |
_polysolid | Creates a 3D swept solid from a line |
_preferences | Preference settings |
_presspull | Presses or pulls bounded areas |
_preview | Shows how the drawing will look when it is printed or plotted |
previewfaceeffect | Specifies the visual effect used for previewing slection face of objects. |
previeweffect | Specifies the visual effect used for previewing selection of objects. |
previewfilter | Excludes specified object types from selection previewing. |
previewtype | Controls the view to use for the drawing thumbnail. |
*product | Returns the product name. |
*program | Returns the program name. |
_projectgeometry | Creates curves or points on a surface that are the intersection of the surface and curves or points projected. |
projectname | Assigns a project name to the current drawing. |
projmode | Sets the current Projection mode for trimming or extending. |
_properties | Controls properties of existing objects |
_propertiesclose | Closes the Properties dialog |
propertypreview | System variable that controls whether in-canvas preview of property editing |
propobjlimit | Limits the number of entities displayed in QP and OPM |
proxygraphics | Specifies whether images of proxy objects are saved in the drawing. |
proxynotice | Displays a notice when a proxy is created |
proxyshow | Controls the display of proxy objects in a drawing. |
_psetupin | Imports a user-defined page setup into a new drawing layout |
_-psetupin | Imports a user-defined page setup into a new drawing layout from command line |
_psfill | Fills a two-dimensional polyline outline with a PostScript pattern |
psltscale | Controls paper space linetype scaling. |
psolheight | Controls the default height for a swept solid object created with the POLYSOLID command |
psolwidth | Controls the default width for a swept solid object created with the POLYSOLID command. |
_psout | Creates an Encapsulated PostScript file |
_pspace | Switches from a model space viewport to paper space |
psprolog | Assigns a name for a prolog section to be read from the aoem.psf |
psquality | Controls the rendering quality of PostScript images and whether they are drawn as filled objects or as outlines. |
pstylemode | Indicates whether the current drawing is in a Color-Dependent or Named Plot Style mode. |
pstylepolicy | Controls whether an object's color property is associated with its plot style. |
psvpscale | Sets the view scale factor for all newly created viewports. |
_publish | Publishes the current drawing sheets to either a DWF file or a plotting device. |
_-publish | Publishes the current drawing sheets to either a DWF file or a plotting device from the command line. |
_+publish | Selects an existing Drawing Set Descriptions (DSD) file from a standard file selection dialog box. |
publishallsheets | Controls how the Publish dialog box list is populated when the PUBLISH command is issued.. |
publishcollate | Controls whether sheets are published as a single job |
publishhatch | Controls the publishing of Hatch and Gradient boundary information to the DWF (or DWFx) files. |
_publishtoweb | Publish to web |
pucsbase | Stores the name of the UCS that defines the origin and orientation of orthographic UCS settings in paper space only. |
_purge | Removes unused named objects such as blocks or layers from the database |
_-purge | Removes unused named objects such as blocks or layers from the database from command line |
_pyramid | Creates a 3D solid pyramid |
_qcclose | Closes the QuickCalc calculator. |
*qcstate | Read-only sysvar for Calculator Window's state |
_qdim | Creates a dimension |
_qleader | Quickly creates a leader and leader annotation |
_qksetupwiz | Quick Setup Startup wizard |
_qnew | Creates a new drawing file |
qplocation | Sets the display mode of Quick Properties panel. |
qpmode | Sets the on or off state of Quick Properties panel. |
_qsave | Saves the current drawing |
_qselect | Quickly creates selection sets based on filtering criteria |
_qtext | Controls the display and plotting of text and attribute objects |
qtextmode | Controls how text is displayed. |
queuedregenmax | Sets the maximum number of entities to queue for automatic regens. |
_quickcalc | Opens the QuickCalc calculator interface |
_quickcui | Displays the Customize User Interface dialog box in a collapsed state |
_quickproperties | The Quick Properties panel lists the most commonly used properties for each object type or a set of objects |
_quit | Exits AutoCAD OEM |
_-qvdrawing | Command line version of qvdrawing. |
_qvdrawing | Displays currently open drawings and layouts within a drawing in a thumbnail preview |
_qvdrawingclose | Closes the thumbnail preview of open drawings |
qvdrawingpin | Controls the default state of the thumbnail images of drawings. |
qvdrawingpreviewsize | System variable that controls the size of the drawing preview |
qvlayoutpin | Controls the default state of the thumbnail images of layouts and model space in a drawing |
_-qvlayout | Command line command to display the thumbnail preview of a model space and layouts within a drawing |
_qvlayout | Displays the thumbnail preview of a model space and layouts within a drawing |
_qvlayoutclose | Closes the thumbnail preview of a model space and layouts within a drawing |
qvlayoutpreviewsize | System variable that controls the size of the layout preview |
qvsmpreviewsize | System variable that controls the size of the showmotion preview |
_r14penwizard | Creates a color-dependent plot style table |
rasterdpi | Controls paper size and plot scaling when changing from dimensional to dimensionless output devices |
rasterpercent | Internal command required by image commands. |
rasterthreshold | Internal command required by image commands. |
_ray | Creates a semi-infinite line |
rebuild2dcv | Sets the number of control vertices for a spline |
rebuild2ddegree | Sets the global degree for a spline |
rebuild2doption | Controls some of the options of the rebuild operation for splines |
rebuilddegreeu | Sets the degree in the U direction for a NURBS surface |
rebuilddegreev | Sets the degree in the V direction for a NURBS surface |
rebuildoptions | Controls some of the options of the rebuild operation for NURBS surfaces (erase/re-trim) |
rebuildu | Sets the new number of CV in the U direction for a NURBS surface |
rebuildv | Sets the new number of CV in the V direction for a NURBS surface |
_recover | Repairs a damaged drawing |
_recoverall | Repairs a damaged drawing and xrefs |
recoverauto | Allow the user to either be notified before proceeding to open a file |
recoverymode | Controls whether drawing recovery information is recorded after a system failure. |
_rectang | Draws a rectangular polyline |
_rectangle | Draws a rectangular polyline |
_redo | Reverses the effects of the previous UNDO or U command |
_redraw | Refreshes the display of the current viewport |
_redrawall | Refreshes the display of all viewports |
_refclose | Saves back or discards changes made during in-place editing of a reference (an xref or a block) |
_refedit | Selects a reference for editing |
_-refedit | Selects a reference for editing from command line |
refeditname | Indicates whether a drawing is in a reference-editing state. Also |
_refset | Adds or removes objects from a working set while editing a reference |
_regen | Regens current viewport (recalculates all entities) |
_regen3 | Regens the 3D graphics system. |
_regenall | Regens all viewports |
_regenauto | Controls automatic regeneration of a drawing |
regenmode | Controls automatic regeneration of the drawing. |
_region | Creates a region object from a selection set of existing objects |
_reinit | Reinitializes the digitizer digitizer input/output port and program parameters file |
*renderprefsstate | System variable to determine whether Render Preferences ESW is active or not |
renderquality | Used by Ribbon's RenderQuality slider. |
renderuserlights | Controls whether user-lights are translated during rendering |
rememberfolders | Controls whether each instance of the file navigation dialog remembers the last folder being browsed. |
_rename | Changes the names of objects |
_-rename | Changes the names of objects from command line |
_-render | Creates a photorealistic or realistically shaded image of a three-dimensional wireframe or solid model from the command line. |
_render | Creates a photorealistic or realistically shaded image of a three-dimensional wireframe or solid model |
_rendercrop | Prompts you to select a region that gets rendered |
_renderenvironment | Provides visual cues for the apparent distance of objects |
_renderexposure | Provides settings to interactively adjust the global lighting for the most recent rendered output |
_-renderoutputsize | Used by Ribbon's RenderOutputSize control. |
_-renderpresets | Specifies render presets |
_renderpresets | Displays the Render Presets Manager dialog box |
_renderwin | Displays the Render window without invoking a render task |
reporterror | Controls the behavior of generating an error report |
_resetblock | Resets a dynamic block reference to the default values of the block definition |
_resume | Continues an interrupted script |
_revcloud | Creates a revision cloud |
_reverse | Reverses linetype direction by swapping start and end points of curves |
_revolve | Creates a solid by revolving a two-dimensional object about an axis |
_revsurf | Creates a rotated surface about a selected axis |
_ribbon | Opens the ribbon window |
ribbonbgload | Sets whether or not to enable ribbon background tab rendering |
_ribbonclose | Closes the ribbon window |
ribboncontextselect | Controls how contextual tabs come up when the user clicks on an object or double-clicks on an object |
ribboncontextsellim | Sets an upper limit on the number of objects that can be selected and queried by the Contextual Tab Selector logic |
ribbondockedheight | Sets the height of the ribbon when it is docked horizontally |
ribboniconresize | Sets whether or not icons on the Ribbon with non-standard sizes are resized |
ribbonselectmode | Sets whether or not the pickfirst selection set |
ribbonstate | System variable to determine whether the Ribbon is displayed or not. |
roamablerootprefix | Returns the location of roamable customizable files for the currently logged on user |
rollovertips | Controls the display of rollover tooltips in the application |
_rotate | Moves objects about a base point |
_rotate3d | Moves objects about a three-dimensional axis |
_rpref | Allows access to advanced rendering settings on the Render Settings palette |
_rprefclose | Closes the Render Settings palette if it is displayed |
_rscript | Creates a script that repeats continuously |
rtdisplay | Controls the display of raster images during Real-time ZOOM or PAN. |
_rtpan | Real time pan |
_rtzoom | Real time zoom |
_rulesurf | Creates a ruled surface between two curves |
_save | Saves the drawing under the current file name or a specified name |
_saveas | Saves an unnamed drawing with a file name or renames the current drawing |
_+saveas | Accepts different save formats and then show SAVEAS dialog |
savefidelity | Controls whether the drawing is saved with visual fidelity |
savefile | Stores the current automatic save file name. |
savefilepath | Specifies the path to the directory for all automatic save files for the AutoCAD OEM session |
_saveimg | Saves a rendered image to a file |
savename | Stores the file name and directory path of the current drawing after you save it. |
savetime | Sets the automatic save interval |
_scale | Enlarges or reduces selected objects equally in the X Y and Z directions |
_-scalelistedit | If you enter -scalelistedit at the Command prompt |
_scalelistedit | Controls the list of scales available for layout viewports |
_scaletext | Enlarges or reduces selected text objects without changing their locations. |
screensize | Stores current viewport size in pixels (X and Y). |
_script | Executes a sequence of commands from a script |
*sdi | Obsolete setvar |
_section | Uses the intersection of a plane and solids to create a region |
_sectionplane | Creates a section object |
_sectionplanejog | Adds a jog to a section. |
_sectionplanesettings | Displays the section plane settings dialog |
_sectionplanetoblock | Creates section plane into block |
_securityoptions | Controls security settings using the Security Options dialog box |
_select | Places selected objects in the Previous selection set |
selectionannodisplay | Controls whether alternate scale representations are temporarily displayed in a dimmed state when an annotative object is selected |
selectionarea | Controls the display of a transparent effect for selection areas. |
selectionareaopacity | Controls the transparency of the transparent selection area during window and crossing selection |
selectioncycling | Controls behavior of selectiong overlapping objects |
selectionpreview | Controls the display of selection previewing. |
selectionpreviewlimit | Controls the maximum number of entities for pre-selection highlighting for window/polygon/fence selection. |
_selectsimilar | Create a selection set of similar objects by selecting one or more objects |
selectsimilarmode | Defines “similar” for the SELECTSIMILAR command |
_selecturl | Selects objects that have URLs associated with them |
_sequenceplay | Plays the named views in one view category. |
_setbylayer | Changes property and ByBlock settings for selected objects to ByLayer |
setbylayermode | Controls which properties are selected for SETBYLAYER |
_setIdrophandler | Specifies the default type of i-drop content for the current Autodesk application |
_setvar | Lists or changes the values of system variables |
_shade | Displays a flat-shaded image of the drawing in the current viewport |
_-shade | Displays a flat-shaded image of the drawing in the current viewport from command line |
shadedge | Controls the shading of edges in rendering. |
shadedif | Sets the ratio of diffuse reflective light to ambient light in percentage of diffuse reflective light |
_-shademode | Command line version of shademode command. |
_shademode | Shades the objects in the current viewport |
_shape | Inserts a shape |
_sheetset | Displays the Sheet Set Manager. |
_sheetsethide | Hides the Sheet Set Manager. |
shadowplanelocation | Controls the location of an invisible ground plane used to display shadows. |
shortcutmenu | Controls whether Default |
shortcutmenuduration | Controls the right Click Menu duration to ENTER. |
showhist | Controls the Show History property for solids in a drawing. |
showlayerusage | Displays icons in the Layer Properties Manager to indicate whether layers are in use |
showmotionpin | Controls the default state of the thumbnail shots. |
showpagesetupfornewlayouts | Controls the option to show or not the Page Setup for New Layouts. |
_showpalettes | Displays all palettes previously hidden by HIDEPALETTES |
showpalettestate | System variable to determine whether palettes are shown or hidden. |
shpname | Sets a default shape name that must conform to symbol naming conventions. |
_sigvalidate | Displays information about the digital signature attached to a file |
sigwarn | Controls whether a warning is presented when a file with an attached digital signature is opened |
_sketch | Creates a series of freehand line segments |
sketchinc | Sets the record increment for the SKETCH command. |
*skip2dregens | Controls whether 2D regens are done when in 3D viewports. |
skpoly | Determines whether the SKETCH command generates lines |
sktolerance | Controls the number of fit points created for the spline created by SKETCH command. |
skystatus | Used by Ribbon lighting controls. |
_slice | Slices a set of solids with a plane |
smoothmeshconvert | Sets whether objects converted to mesh are smoothed or faceted |
smoothmeshgrid | Sets the smoothing level at which grid lines are displayed on 3D mesh objects. |
smoothmeshmaxface | Sets the maximum number of faces permitted for mesh objects. |
smoothmeshmaxlev | Sets the maximum smoothness level for mesh objects. |
smstate | Stores a value that indicates whether the ShowMotion is open |
_snap | Restricts cursor movement to specified intervals |
snapang | Sets the snap and grid rotation angle for the current viewport. |
snapbase | Sets the snap and grid origin point for the current viewport relative to the current UCS. |
snapisopair | Controls the isometric plane for the current viewport. |
snapmode | Turns the Snap mode on and off. |
snapstyl | Sets the snap style for the current viewport. |
snaptype | Sets the snap style for the current viewport. |
snapunit | Sets the snap spacing for the current viewport. |
_soldraw | Generates profiles and sections in viewports created with SOLVIEW |
_solid | Creates solid-filled polygons |
solidcheck | Turns the solid validation on and off for the current AutoCAD OEM session. |
_solidedit | Edits faces and edges of 3D solid models |
solidhist | Controls the default History property setting for new and existing objects. |
_solprof | Creates profile images of three-dimensional solids |
_solview | Creates floating viewports using orthographic projection to lay out multi- and sectional view drawings of 3D solid and body objects |
sortents | Controls the OPTIONS command (from the Selection tab) object sort order operations. |
spacemouseaction | Internal command to handle space mouse motion event and button event |
_spacetrans | Converts length values between model space and paper space |
_spell | Checks spelling in a drawing |
_sphere | Creates a three-dimensional solid sphere |
spldegree | Sets the degree of the spline being created when specifying control vertices |
splframe | Controls the display of splines and spline-fit polylines. |
_spline | Creates a quadratic or cubic spline (NURBS) curve |
_splinedit | Edits a spline object |
splinesegs | Sets the number of line segments to be generated for each spline-fit polyline generated by the Spline option of the PEDIT command. |
splinetype | Sets the type of curve generated by the Spline option of the PEDIT command. |
splknots | Sets the knot parameterization when creating a spline by specifying fit points |
splmethod | Controls the prompts for creating a spline – either specifying Fit points or CV’s (Control vertices) |
splperiodic | Controls periodic spline creation |
_spotlight | Creates a spotlight |
ssfound | Displays the sheet set path and file name if a search for a sheet set is successful. |
sslocate | Controls whether AutoCAD OEM attempts to locate and open the sheet set associated with a drawing when the drawing is opened. |
ssmautoopen | Controls whether AutoCAD OEM displays the Sheet Set Manager when a drawing associated with a sheet is opened. |
ssmpolltime | Controls the polling interval of timer-based sheet status check. |
ssmsheetstatus | Controls levels of sheet status polling. The polling is a process that queries each sheet drawing for its file status. |
*ssmstate | Sheet Set Manager window state. |
_standards | Manages the association of standards files with AutoCAD drawings. |
standardsviolation | Specifies whether a user is notified of standards violations that exist in the current drawing |
startup | Controls whether the Create New Drawing dialog box is displayed when a new drawing is started with NEW or QNEW. |
stepsize | Specifies the size of each step when in walk-through mode |
stepspersec | Specifies the number of steps taken per second when you are in walk-through mode. |
_status | Displays drawing statistics modes and extents |
statusbar | Controls the display of the application and drawing status bars |
_stlout | Stores a solid in an ASCII or binary file |
_stretch | Moves or stretches objects |
_style | Creates named styles |
_-style | Creates named styles from command line |
subobjselectionmode | Controls what type of Subobject can be selected when the “CTRL” key is press down an a sub-selection is acquired. |
_stylesmanager | Displays the Autodesk Plot Style Manager which provides access to the Add-a-Plot Style Table wizard and the Plot Style Table Base - Editor |
_subtract | Creates a composite region or solid by subtraction |
*sundate | Returns the current date setting for the sun. |
_sunproperties | Opens the Sun window and sets the properties of the Sun |
_sunpropertiesclose | Closes the Sun window |
*sunpropertiesstate | Indicates whether the Sun window is open or closed. |
*suntime | Returns the current time setting for the sun. |
sunstatus | Controls whether the Sun is casting light in the current viewport. |
_superhatch | Works like the hatch command |
suppressalerts | Suppresses missing required version alert dialogs so that scripts can continue. |
surfaceassociativity | Controls the default surface associtivity property setting for new and existing objects |
surfaceassociativitydrag | Controls the drag behavior of 3D surfaces that are associated with another 3D surface that is being dragged: smooth drag or real-time drag. |
surfaceautotrim | Sets if projected geometry automatically trims the target surface. |
surfacemodelingmode | Sets if if a procedural surface or NURBS surface from 3D surface modeling commands |
_surfblend | Creates a continuous blend surface between two existing surfaces |
_surfextend | Lengthens a surface by a distance. |
_surfextractcurve | Creates an isoline by selecting a point on a surface. |
_surffillet | Creates a new tangent surface between two surface edges with constant radius profile and trims the original surfaces to connect with it. |
_surfnetwork | Creates a surface from a network of curves. This is similar to a UV loft operation. |
_surfoffset | Copies a surface so that locations on the copied surface are the same specified distance from the original surface |
_surfpatch | Fits and creates a new surface through selected curves and point objects. |
_surfsculpt | Creates a new solid from selected surfaces that bind a region in space. |
surftab1 | Sets the number of tabulations to be generated for the RULESURF and TABSURF commands. |
surftab2 | Sets the mesh density in the N direction for the REVSURF and EDGESURF commands. |
_surftrim | Deletes selected portions of a surface inside or outside where they are intersected with another surface or other geometry. |
surftype | Controls the type of surface-fitting to be performed by the Smooth option of the PEDIT command. |
surfu | Sets the surface density for PEDIT Smooth in the M direction. |
_surfuntrim | Removes trims at the trim curves from a surface. |
surfv | Sets the surface density for PEDIT Smooth in the N direction. |
_sweep | Creates a 3D solid or surface by sweeping a 2D curve along a path |
syscodepage | Indicates the system code page specified in the aoem.xmx file. |
_syswindows | Arranges windows |