By Adam Nagy
If you think that the insertion grip point of a block reference is in the way then you can use GripOverrule to remove it.
The following sample only removes the insertion grip point of dynamic block references:
using System;
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime;
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices;
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry;
namespace ClassLibrary1
public class Commands
public class MyGripOverrule : GripOverrule
public override void GetGripPoints(
Entity entity, GripDataCollection grips,
double curViewUnitSize, int gripSize,
Vector3d curViewDir, GetGripPointsFlags bitFlags)
// It should not be anything else, since we are
// filtering for block references
BlockReference br = (BlockReference)entity;
base.GetGripPoints(entity, grips,
curViewUnitSize, gripSize,
curViewDir, bitFlags);
// We'll only remove it for dynamic blocks
if (br.IsDynamicBlock)
GripData toRemove = null;
foreach (GripData gd in grips)
if (gd.GripPoint == br.Position)
toRemove = gd;
if (toRemove != null)
public static void RemoveInsertionPoint()
new MyGripOverrule(), true
Overrule.Overruling = true;