When an end user creates a 'group' in AutoCAD, it may be an anonymous group. However, all group (anonymous or otherwise) are stored in the Named Objects Dictionary under the key 'ACAD_GROUP'. If the group is anonymous, AutoCAD assigns it a value such as '*A1', '*A2' and so on. Although to the end user it's anonymous, the group has a unique key name in the AutoCAD database.
Users may add or remove entities from groups so it is possible to have empty groups. The code below is a small demo to remove an anonymous group.
static void removeGroup()
Acad::ErrorStatus es;
AcDbDictionary *pGroupDict;
AcDbGroup *pGroup;
AcDbDictionaryIterator *pDictIter;
AcDbObjectId groupId;
long numItems;
AcDbObjectIdArray groupMembers;
es =
pDictIter = pGroupDict->newIterator();
for(; !pDictIter->done(); pDictIter->next())
(AcDbObject*&)pGroup, AcDb::kForRead);
// Is the group anonymous?
// Does the anonymous group have
// any members associated with it?
numItems = pGroup->numEntities();
if(numItems > 0)
// Empty the group
// Upgrade it first
es = pGroup->upgradeOpen();
es = pGroup->clear();
es = pGroup->downgradeOpen();
// Get the group ID and remove the
// group from the dictionary
groupId = pDictIter->objectId();
es = pGroupDict->remove(groupId);
} // if
} // for