Is it possible to display a DCL dialog at the last location it was closed at, rather than having it always open in the center of the screen ?
Yes, just feed the value of the last coordinate location of the dialog which is returned via done_dialog, to the new_dialog call. Here's some lisp code that demonstrates this, please ensure that the DCL file is on the AutoCAD search path.
(defun C:Move_the_DCL (/ dcl_id notenum1)
;; 1) loadup the Move_DCL.DCl file Dialogue Box, if it's on the path
(setq DCLFileName "Move_DCL.dcl")
(setq DCLfile (findfile DCLFileName))
(if (null DCLfile)
(alert (strcat "\nDCL file: " DCLFileName " was Not Found !
(setq dcl_id (load_dialog DCLfile))
;; check to see if it's loaded, and display at last box location, if available
(if lastpt
(if (not (new_dialog "note" dcl_id "3" lastpt)) (progn (alert (strcat
"\nDCL file: " DCLFileName " was Not Found ! Exiting.")) (exit)) )
(if (not (new_dialog "note" dcl_id "3" '(-1 -1))) (exit))
;; 2) setup for return values/keys from DCL
(action_tile "cancel" "(done_dialog) (setq gperr \"\")(exit)")
(action_tile "accept"
(strcat "(progn (setq ChkBoxReturnValue (atoi (get_tile \"note1\")))"
" (setq lastpt (done_dialog)))"
;; 3) now start the dialogue box
;; 4) unload the box
(unload_dialog dcl_id)
;; print out the value returned
(if ChkReturnValue
(progn (princ "\nThe ChkBoxReturnValue is: ") (princ ChkBoxReturnValue))
(if lastpt
(progn (princ "\nDialogue Box Location: ") (princ (car lastpt)) (princ ",
") (princ (cadr lastpt)) )
(princ "\nLoaded Move_DCL.lsp, type Move_the_DCL to run.")
note : dialog {
label = "Simple Dialog Example";
: boxed_column {
alignment = centered;
children_alignment = centered;
:text {
alignment = centered;
is_bold = true;
key = "label1";
label = "This is a Centered Label";
width = 8;
: spacer { width = 1; }
: row {
: spacer { width = 1; }
:toggle {
label = "Note Number 1";
key = "note1";
mnemonic = "C";
alignment = right;
: spacer { width = 1; }
: row { // defines the OK/Cancel button row
: spacer { width = 1; }
: button { // defines the OK button
label = "OK";
key = "accept";
width = 8;
fixed_width = true;
: button { // defines the Cancel button
label = "Cancel";
is_cancel = true;
key = "cancel";
width = 8;
fixed_width = true;
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