When a polyline is changed to a REGION you can get the center of gravity using MASSPROP. Variables exist for PERIMETER and AREA but not for the Center of Gravity. How can an Auto LISP routine extract the Center of Gravity from a region ?
Use the ActiveX interface to return the Cenroid property for a region. The following AutoLISP code does this:
(defun GetCentroid ()
(setq anEnt (entsel "\nSelect A Region: "))
(if anEnt
(setq anObj (vlax-ename->vla-object (car anEnt)))
(princ (strcat "\nObject Name: " (setq objName (vla-Get-ObjectName
(if (equal objName "AcDbRegion")
(setq vCentroid (vla-Get-Centroid anObj))
(setq strCentroidProp (vl-princ-to-string (setq CentroidLst
(vlax-safearray->list (vlax-variant-value vCentroid)))))
(if (< (length CentroidLst) 3)
(setq CentroidLst (append CentroidLst (list 0.0)))
(princ (strcat "\nRegion Centroid: " strCentroidProp))
(setvar "PDMODE" 3)
(setq *MS* (vla-Get-ModelSpace (setq acadDoc
(vla-Get-ActiveDocument (setq acadApp (vlax-get-acad-object))))))
(setq ptObj (vla-AddPoint *MS* (vlax-3d-Point CentroidLst)))
(vla-Put-Color ptObj acYellow)
(princ "\nRegion was not selected !")
(princ "\nGetCentroid loaded, type (GetCentroid) to run.")