How can I use entmake in the following AutoLISP code to create an MTEXT entity? I can create a TEXT entity using similar code as below, but it does not work.
(defun CreateMText ()
(cons 0 "MTEXT") ; Entity Type
(cons 1 "Some Text Here") ; Text String
(cons 10 '(0.0 0.0 0.0)) ; Insertion Point
(cons 40 0.25) ; Text Height
(princ "\nText Entity Created.")
(princ "\nText Entity was NOT Created.")
For entities such as MTEXT that were created after AutoCAD R12, you will need to add the Entity SubClass Markers, group code 100, for this to work:
(defun CreateMtext ()
(cons 0 "MTEXT") ; Entity Type
(cons 100 "AcDbEntity") ; 100 Entity Code
;(cons 8 "DIM") ; The Layer
(cons 100 "AcDbMText") ; 100 Entity Code
; For Other Formatting Codes See the:
; ActiveX and VBA Developer's Guide ->
; Chapter 4 -- Creating and Editing AutoCAD Entities ->
; Adding Text to Drawings ->
; Using Multiline Text (Mtext) ->
; Formatting Multiline Text
(cons 1 "\\S100^200") ; Stacked Text
(cons 10 '(0.0 0.0 0.0)) ; Insertion Point
(princ "\nMtext Entity Created.")
(princ "\nMtext Entity NOT Created.")
(princ "\nCreateMtext loaded, type (CreateMtext) to run.")