by Fenton Webb
Leading on from Adam’s really cool post on the same subject, someone just pointed out that the CMDECHO=0 is not observed using UNDO via SendStringToExecute(). The initial command pumped is omitted but the command options are not…
The solution is to use my favorite function acedCmd() instead…
#if AC2013
[DllImport("accore.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "acedCmd")]
[DllImport("acad.exe", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "acedCmd")]
private static extern int acedCmd(System.IntPtr vlist);
public void ClearUndoStack()
// remember the cmdecho
short cmdecho = (short)Application.GetSystemVariable("CMDECHO");
// turn it off
Application.SetSystemVariable("CMDECHO", 0);
short undoCtl = (short)Application.GetSystemVariable("UNDOCTL");
bool isOn = (undoCtl & 1) == 1;
if (!isOn)
bool isOneCmd = (undoCtl & 2) == 2;
bool isAuto = (undoCtl & 4) == 4;
ResultBuffer rb = new ResultBuffer();
// RTSTR = 5005
rb.Add(new TypedValue(5005, "_.UNDO"));
rb.Add(new TypedValue(5005, "_Control"));
rb.Add(new TypedValue(5005, "_None"));
rb.Add(new TypedValue(5005, "_.UNDO"));
if (isOneCmd)
rb.Add(new TypedValue(5005, "_One"));
rb.Add(new TypedValue(5005, "_All"));
if (!isAuto)
rb.Add(new TypedValue(5005, "_.UNDO"));
rb.Add(new TypedValue(5005, "_Auto"));
rb.Add(new TypedValue(5005, "_Off"));
// start the insert command
// now restore cmdecho
Application.SetSystemVariable("CMDECHO", cmdecho);