by Fenton Webb
I saw this post on the newsgroups and I thought I should document it here for our subscribers to see…
Thanks to Jorge Lopez and a very keen forums contributor programmer Anthony Perks for their efforts with this post.
Here is the code which displays an Asset’s style name…
// display a selected Asset's style name, by Jorge Lopez, 8/May/2012
[CommandMethod("LISTSTYLE", CommandFlags.Modal)]
public static void ListStyle()
Editor oEditor = AcadApp.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor;
PromptEntityOptions oPromptOptions = new PromptEntityOptions("Select an object");
PromptEntityResult oPromptResult = oEditor.GetEntity(oPromptOptions);
if (oPromptResult.Status != PromptStatus.OK)
Database oDB = AcadApp.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Database;
TransactionManager oTxMgr = oDB.TransactionManager;
using (Transaction oTx = oTxMgr.StartTransaction())
DBObject obj = oTx.GetObject(oPromptResult.ObjectId, OpenMode.ForRead);
Asset oAsset = obj as Asset;
/* Get the style's object id */
ObjectId styleId = oAsset.StyleId;
if (!styleId.IsNull)
/* Display the style's name */
Style oStyle = (Style)oTx.GetObject(styleId, OpenMode.ForRead);
string strMsg = "\n" + oStyle.Name;
/* If it is an asset style then display the block name */
AssetStyle oAssetStyle = oStyle as AssetStyle;
if (oAssetStyle != null)
ObjectId btrId = oAssetStyle.BlockTableRecord;
BlockTableRecord oBTR = (BlockTableRecord)oTx.GetObject(btrId, OpenMode.ForRead);
strMsg = "\n" + oBTR.Name;