Revit 2016 has added two properties to help exchange store app publishers to check if the current user has purchased the given app or not. Those two properties are:
- Application.IsLoggedIn
- Application.LoginUserId
IsLoggedIn checks if the user is logged in to his/her Autodesk account from the current Revit session. LoginUserId returns the user identifier of Autodesk account that the user is currently logged in.
Note that the user identifier returned here is an internal presentation of the user and it has human unrecognizable form. It’s not the same as the User ID that the user actually types to the login dialog.
These properties are used to get the user identifier, which is in turn used in the Autodesk Exchange Store Entitlement API, a single REST call to the web service. A publisher of an the Exchange Store app can verify if the current user has purchase their app from the store.
For the Entitlement API side, Daniel Du has written a blog post about the Entitlement API. Please refer to it for more detailed explanation.
I made a small sample to demonstrate the usage in Revit 2016 and copy it below. You can also download the code from here: Download EntitlementAPIRevit
In the sample code, I’m using a library called RestSharp to takes care of REST client call. If you are not familiar with the RestSharp, you may want to take a look at my another blog; the first part of the blog explains about how to use RestSharp in Visual Studio. For more detail about RestSharp, please refer to
Entitlement API in Revit
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Net; // for HttpStatusCode
using Autodesk.Revit;
using Autodesk.Revit.DB;
using Autodesk.Revit.UI;
using Autodesk.Revit.ApplicationServices;
using Autodesk.Revit.Attributes;
// Added for REST API
// We are using C# REST library called RestShap
// See for detail
using RestSharp;
using RestSharp.Deserializers;
/// Revit 2016 has added two methods to help exchange store app publishers
/// to check a store app entitlement, i.e., to check if the user has purchase or not.
/// This is a minimum sample to show the usage.
namespace EntitlementAPIRevit
public class EntitlementAPI: IExternalCommand
// Set values specific to the environment
public const string _baseApiUrl = @"";
// This is the id of your app.
// e.g.,
//public const string _appId = @"";
public const string _appId = @"<the id of your app comes here>";
// Command to check an entitlement
public Autodesk.Revit.UI.Result Execute(
ExternalCommandData commandData,
ref string message,
Autodesk.Revit.DB.ElementSet elements)
// Get hold of the top elements
UIApplication uiApp = commandData.Application;
Application rvtApp = uiApp.Application;
// Check to see if the user is logged in.
if(!Application.IsLoggedIn) {
TaskDialog.Show("Entitlement API", "Please login to Autodesk 360 first\n");
return Result.Failed;
// Get the user id, and check entitlement
string userId = rvtApp.LoginUserId;
bool isValid = CheckEntitlement(_appId, userId);
if (isValid)
// The usert has a valid entitlement, i.e.,
// if paid app, purchase the app from the store.
// For now, display the result
string msg = "userId = " + userId
+ "\nappId = " + _appId
+ "\nisValid = " + isValid.ToString();
TaskDialog.Show("Entitlement API", msg);
return Result.Succeeded;
/// URL:
/// Method: GET
/// Parameter:
/// userid
/// appid
/// Sample response
/// {
/// "UserId":"2N5FMZW9CCED",
/// "AppId":"",
/// "IsValid":false,
/// "Message":"Ok"
/// }
/// ========================================================
private bool CheckEntitlement(string appId, string userId)
// REST API call for the entitlement API.
// We are using RestSharp for simplicity.
// You may choose to use other library.
// (1) Build request
var client = new RestClient();
client.BaseUrl = new System.Uri(_baseApiUrl);
// Set resource/end point
var request = new RestRequest();
request.Resource = "webservices/checkentitlement";
request.Method = Method.GET;
// Add parameters
request.AddParameter("userid", userId);
request.AddParameter("appid", appId);
// (2) Execute request and get response
IRestResponse response = client.Execute(request);
// (3) Parse the response and get the value of IsValid.
bool isValid = false;
if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
JsonDeserializer deserial = new JsonDeserializer();
EntitlementResponse entitlementResponse = deserial.Deserialize<EntitlementResponse>(response);
isValid = entitlementResponse.IsValid;
return isValid;
public class EntitlementResponse
public string UserId { get; set; }
public string AppId { get; set; }
public bool IsValid { get; set; }
public string Message { get; set; }
To run this, please modify the app id to match your app id.