By Aaron Lu
BIM 360 Glue API
Before developing application based on BIM 360 API, tools can help us to have a better understanding of RESFful API.
I'm going to use cURL and Postman to demonstrate how to call Glue API to login and query project list.
Before login, we need to apply the API key and secret, if you don't know what are they, please contact ADN to apply.
After login, server will return an auth_token which is used for future API calls to replace api secret as authentication information. So auth_token is very important, once the it is stolen, other developers can do harm to your project, so we need to protect it carefully.
Login is a POST request sent to{format}, here {format} designates the format of return data. Glue API supports json and xml format. the POST content must contain the following parameters (other optional parameters is not listed here, refer to API document for more information):
Parameter | Meaning |
login_name | Login name, i.e. Autodsek Id |
password | Password |
company_id | Company ID |
api_key | API key |
api_secret | API secret |
timestamp | A timestamp, which is a number of seconds representing current time |
sig | A md5 string, calculated from combined string of api_key, api_secret and timestamp |
The last 2 parameters, timestamp and sig, are needed by almost all API calls, and vary by time.
See more about how to Calcuate timestamp and sig.
In this post, we will use json format, so the target url should be:
Method is: POST
Post content:
[email protected] &company_id=adn &password=******** &api_key=fe251558432bd3da0a70326ed169**** &api_secret=70aadb2838cac9a739da11296d7f**** ×tamp=1428647796 &sig=6ec77c0448fcb16da9c1f03220a96ceb
using cURL command:
Type following command at the prompt and press Enter:
curl --data "[email protected] &company_id=adn&password=******** &api_key=fe251558432bd3da0a70326ed169**** &api_secret=70aadb2838cac9a739da11296d7f**** &timstamp=1428647796 &sig=6ec77c0448fcb16da9c1f03220a96ceb"
--data means we are going to send data with POST method.
Following is the return result:
{"auth_token":"35730ba86d48470593c1e63090610aa5", "user_id":"****0b93-e919-****-9695-8b3733fa****", "account_id":"****a18f-****-4b8a-****-8d762595****", "account_hostname":"adn"}
NOTE: save the auth_token, we will use it later.
using PostMan
Choose method POST,fill form-data with parameters and values, click "Send", same result will show under "Body":
Get project list
The url is{format}
Method: GET
Parameter | Meaning |
company_id | Company ID |
api_key | API key |
timestamp | A timestamp, which is a number of seconds representing current time |
sig | A md5 string, calculated from combined string of api_key, api_secret and timestamp |
auth_token | a hash, returned by server after login successfully |
as we can see, api_secret, login_name and password are not needed, instead, auth_token is used.
Since we are using GET method, all the parameters should be included in the url, so the final url is: &api_key=fe251558432bd3da0a70326ed169**** ×tamp=1428650893 &sig=8d22b59569335394d7b219aae91990a7 &auth_token=34dd71d838674c86a02da2fe329db24d
using cURL
Type following command at the prompt and press Enter:
curl ?company_id=adn &api_key=fe251558432bd3da0a70326ed169**** &timstamp=1428650893 &sig=8d22b59569335394d7b219aae91990a7 &auth_token=34dd71d838674c86a02da2fe329db24d
Return result:
{ "project_list": [ { "recent_model_info": [], "project_id": "1e7e5e8d-fea8-49cd-8e5b-76058f0ee3b6", "project_name": "AL+Sample+Project", "company_id": "adn", "created_date": "2015-03-19 03:26:51", "modify_date": "2015-04-01 07:15:15", "cmic_company_code": "", "cmic_project_code": "", "cw_project_code": "", "thumbnail_modified_date": "2015-03-19 04:41:45", "has_views": false, "has_markups": false, "has_clashes": false, "has_points": false, "total_member_count": 0, "total_project_admin_count": 0, "total_views_count": 0, "total_markups_count": 0, "last_activity_date": "2015-04-01 07:15:15", "permissions": [], "navisworks_version": "Nwd2014" } ], "page": 1, "page_size": 1, "total_result_size": 1, "more_pages": 0 }
using PostMan
Choose GET, input url address, and click "Send", we can see the result in the bottom.
Calculate timestamp and sig
timestamp is a integer, UNIXEpoch Time, quote from wikipedia:
Unix time (also known as POSIX time or Epoch time) is a system for describing instants in time, defined as the number of seconds that have elapsed since 00:00:00 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), Thursday, 1 January 1970, [note 1] not counting leap seconds.
Pseudo code looks like this:
Following are the ways of getting timestamp in multiple platforms:
Powershell (Windows 7 advanced command propmt, input Powershell in windows search dialog you can find the application. Since we want to use cURL and command line to call API, we use Powershell for convinience)
$oriDate=Get-Date -Date "01/01/1970" $nowDate=(Get-Date).ToUniversalTime() $timestamp=[int](New-TimeSpan -Start $oriDate -End $nowDate) .TotalSeconds
TimeSpan tSpan = (DateTime.UtcNow - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)); int timestamp = (int)tSpan.TotalSeconds;
var timestamp = Math.floor((new Date).getTime()/1000);
long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000L;
sig is a md5, lower case string, without any dash (-), Glue API needs the md5 calculated from combination string of api_key, auth_token and timestamp. Pseudo code:
MD5 (api_key+auth_token+timestamp)
Following are how to get sig with multiple platforms:
$identityString = $api_key + $api_secret + $timestamp # compute hash $md5 = new-object -TypeName System.Security.Cryptography .MD5CryptoServiceProvider $utf8 = new-object -TypeName System.Text.UTF8Encoding $signature = [System.BitConverter]::ToString($md5.ComputeHash( $utf8.GetBytes($identityString))).Replace("-","").ToLower()
// using System.Security.Cryptography; public string ComputeMD5Hash(string identityString) { // step 1, calculate MD5 hash from identityString MD5 md5 = System.Security.Cryptography.MD5.Create(); byte[] inputBytes = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes( identityString); byte[] hash = md5.ComputeHash(inputBytes); // step 2, convert byte array to hex string StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < hash.Length; i++) { sb.Append(hash[i].ToString("x2")); } return sb.ToString(); }
var crypto = require('crypto'); var hash = crypto.createHash('md5').update(identityString) .digest("hex");
public String computeMD5Hash(String identityString) { md = .getInstance("MD5"); byte[] array = md.digest(identityString.getBytes()); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < array.length; ++i) { sb.append(Integer.toHexString((array[i] & 0xFF) | 0x100) .substring(1,3)); } return sb.toString(); }
Trouble shooting
If we see below problem, it probably caused by using wrong HTTP method, e.g. when it requires GET, but we are using POST.
<body> <div id="content"> <p class="heading1">Service</p> <p>Method not allowed.</p> </div> </body>