Having an additional role as a DevTech geo manager, I get all sort of inquiries. (literally all kinds ...) Licensing questions is one of them. Maybe not be so excising as a programing topic; yet, still important to know from legal perspective for both partners and Autodesk. So here it is one question about the licensing.
We have developed a plug-in for an Autodesk product. I want to bring in clients for training on this plug-in. What kind of license do we need for this?
Let’s say, we would have 10-12 people coming to learn about our analysis application integrated with Revit. What type of licensing would be required for the training PCs like this? I’m an ADN member. I intend to charge for such a training. But the training is solely about our plug-ins.
If you are providing trainings for free of charge and you are the member of ADN, you can use the ADN copies of software. Please contact local ADN marketing for additional licenses.
For others, i.e., you intend to charge fees for the training, or you are not the ADN member, you will need to be the member of Autodesk Training Centers (ATC). Please contact your local ATC representatives about how to become ATC member. You can find the information about ATC program at the following site:
You can find the list of contact here:
Note: the information described here is as of Feb. 2013. This may change in future. Please contact ATC to find out the latest information and for any further questions.