This is AU (Autodesk University) week. A half of DevTech members are in Las Vegas right now, attending, teaching classes, and talking with customers. One day before AU officially starts, we also host so-called Developer Day event to the members of ADN program, where we discuss what's coming in the new releases and encourage our partners to start migrating their applications so that when our new releases come out, 3rd party applications that our customers need are also ready. Because of those two events coming at the same time, this time of the year is the busiest time for our team.
Since this is a public blog, we cannot disclose everything right away. But even if you are not ADN member, or you missed the conference, don't get disappointed; we plan to have a recorded version after new releases come out. So stay tuned for that.
Personally, myself isn't attending the AU. However, thanks to a little mobile app that Augusto wrote for his AU class and that we have being demo'ing, I could have a little peek into the atmosphere of this event right from my home. Below is the a photo from the morning session of Developer Day at AU in Las Vegas. (A big person with a white shirt in the front row is Fenton Webb. He is always very difficult to miss. So I can tell it is indeed our event.)
For those who are interested in, what Augusto's a little mobile does is as follows; he takes a photo using his mobile device. His app stores the photo in the cloud together with the location information. I can then use AutoCAD Civil 3D to view a map like below and by clicking a mark on the map, I can see the picture like above.
You can see where my teams are and where they have been. We have been demo'ing this app just to show how easy it is to write a little apps like this, using cloud and mobile technology. I will leave the detailed discussion to Augusto. He has an AU class explaining how to do this. If you are interested in taking a look, you can get a source code from his class.
Have fun for the reminder of stay in Vegas for the people who are attending AU, and have a safe trip home.